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  1. wilf789

    Vaporizers in Amsterdam

    Yep and so do most of the Barneys. Volcanoes were the only vapes I've seen out for general use (Grey Area's Volcano was my first ever use of a vape!). To clean the mouthpieces they usually have anti-bacterial wipes on hand, whether or not that eases the hygienic worries is up to you. I was...
  2. wilf789

    Reasons to keep MJ ILLEGAL - persuassive speech advice needed

    Gateway drug is usually one that they'll throw at you. I've done a few debates on this myself and anticipating the other side's argument to prepare your answers beforehand is a very smart idea, you should do well! To answer the gateway drug theory you can make the case that it's the illegality...
  3. wilf789

    Bin Laden is Dead!

    Look, what-ever you believe, the fact of the matter is somebody... dropped a dookie in the school urinal, and there's still no explanation for that! When you dook in the urinal, it's bad, m'kay!
  4. wilf789

    Marijuana Makes You Gay..?

    Completely agree mate. Watching the "other side's" point of view is just as important, if not more so, than researching your own. Only through understanding those who don't agree with you is there ever going to be a chance of reaching a happy and effective compromise. To quote a few verses of...
  5. wilf789

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Roughly the same here, perhaps slightly more, but I get ~20 hits from that in the SSV... The Cloud looks truly mouth-watering but it's just the efficiency aspect I'm concerned about. I suppose you can always just use other vapes if you need to be sparing with your bud, and then whip out the...
  6. wilf789

    Could someone from the US please post Canadian Election results here?

    I'm voting yes for AV too - it's far from perfect but it's definitely a step in the right direction towards a more proportional system. Blair's last election saw him keep power with just 34% of the vote. Take into account voter apathy and that figure drops into the mid twenties. To have the...
  7. wilf789

    Bin Laden is Dead!

    Interesting article from an ex-Director of the CIA Counter Terrorism Centre on why Bin Laden's death is a "good career move":
  8. wilf789

    Bin Laden is Dead!

    With something like this, as in something that is genuinely a matter of interest rather than bullshit politically inspired rumours (birth certificate saga), there are inevitably going to be questions from a lot of corner regarding the outcome. BBC is already reporting that the body was thrown...
  9. wilf789

    Things that harsh your buzz.

    To be fair cyclists can be just as annoying to pedestrians as the cyclists find cars. Especially if you live in a city with huge amounts of them. For example when cyclists seem to think that road laws don't apply to them (i.e. not stopping at a red light when pedestrians are crossing, then...
  10. wilf789

    Part of the operating system. Not an app. Does this bother you?

    Definitely going to start reading more agreements after that latest South Park! Shouldn't have really taken a cartoon to start that but oh well. iPads and the like really have increased the amount of shit (to use SP's terminology) we produce. Historians of the future are going to have...
  11. wilf789

    Things that harsh your buzz.

    +1 for this Englishman today too. I enjoy a bit of BBC news in the morning with my MFLB. Bloody wedding is almost inescapable. Luckily ITV4 is still showing the Indian Premier League 20/20 cricket all day. Cricket is excellent vape viewing! In terms of recurring buzz kills, would have to...
  12. wilf789

    Marijuana Makes You Gay..?

    Haha I was actually hoping that it was satire when reading it too! Then, apart from the main posters, it seemed like there genuinely were some people who were members and were buying into it. I started to get suspicious when I saw all those little icons each poster has, like: 'Ex-Masturbator'...
  13. wilf789

    Marijuana Makes You Gay..?

    The nice folks at Landover Baptist Church have conducted a 'study' that seems to suggest that smoking the Devil's weed will alter your sexual orientation. Some choice quotes include: "Brothers, the next time a heathen friend suggests that...
  14. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I lost my push-back ring yesterday during the MFLB's first excursion out into the wild (the wild being the Peak District - basically some big hills if you aren't from the UK). This is quite annoying as although I use the box without the ring myself, I always re-install it for when others are...
  15. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Does anyone else take little puffs from the box even when the battery's not connected? Recently found myself just taking little sips from the stem just for the taste, especially if it's a particularly tasty strain. Never done it as much with my SSV, but then again I find the taste of the MFLB...
  16. wilf789

    4/20/2011-any plans?

    Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good (magic) 'flight'! Last year I'd finished a 2 month t-break on 4/20 and got more high than I'd ever been before. This year we've set up our very own event in a park in Manchester - although it's a lot harder to organise such things on this side of the...
  17. wilf789

    Consumption Stats - Combusting vs. Vaping

    Used to combust anywhere between 1g and 3g a day at least. Been vaping for a year now and it's dropped to about 0.55 per day max. This pleases me :)
  18. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    ???? = why Magic Flight are one of the best companies I have dealt with of any kind of purchase I've ever made. I was actually going to post that anyway as I ordered a PA yesterday, and requested an email sent to me confirming that it was the newer model and that it could be separated into two...
  19. wilf789

    Medical Marijuana News Thread

    Very true mate and I'm unfortunately well aware of our situation. Times will change here just as they are beginning to in America and Canada, it'll just take longer. Hence my desire to move onto your side of the pond to gain some years experience and help push the efforts over the line, and then...
  20. wilf789

    Portable vape/accessories carrying cases

    You can still buy those boxes in smoke shops - we have a few of various sizes purchased within the last 6 months at our house. A couple have been broken by wear and tear and the wood isn't anywhere near as nice as any that you use Ed, but they are definitely pretty nifty and a handy accessory to...
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