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  1. wilf789

    Dutch Government to Ban Tourists From Cannabis Shops

    Even if these other places do it, I can never see Amsterdam itself implementing a tourist ban, they'd literally lose millions. Other countries need to start bringing in similar systems and it would reduce the pressure on the Netherlands - I can certainly sympathise with the people who aren't...
  2. wilf789

    Spice lands 13 year old in hospital

    A mate of mine, back when we were about 11 years old, tried smoking a tampon once (an unused one of course). Didn't work but was funny as fuck to see him try! Well it was funny when you're 11 anyway...
  3. wilf789

    Joke thread

    Old Jokes Home: Q: How does Stephen Hawking refresh himself at the end of a long day? A: F5 ---- And one for the UKers/phone hacking followers among us: Rebekah Broooks says she is touched by some of the messages people have left on Amy Winehouse's phone.
  4. wilf789

    Debt Ceiling Talk by Obama - Anyone Gonna Do What He Asked Us to Do?

    I hear a lot of older folks saying how they used to be liberal until they "grew up." Personally, I struggle to maintain my liberal leanings due to a large dose of internal skepticism and having studied History for many years (try and look at the History of humanity and NOT get depressed!), but...
  5. wilf789

    Drying/curing for vaping

    I always heard that curing was important for turning the THCA into psychoactive THC, decarboxylation or something? Unless vaping fresh buds skips the necessity of this process?
  6. wilf789

    True or False: If you see vapor as you exhale you are wasting the hit?

    Totally agree. SSV gets you very mashed quickly, literally like you're dazed having been hit hard in the face, although obviously without any pain, just a feeling that makes you wanna say: Duhhhh You can take smaller hits to avoid this of course but depends on what you want to achieve. The MFLB...
  7. wilf789

    Civilization Much Older Than Previously Thought

    Amazing stuff considering how old it is, looking forward to the eventual findings. The skeptical historian in me cannot help but be slightly annoyed at the unhistorical History Channel as ever though. The people they get to talk and comment on their shows are always just 'authors' or...
  8. wilf789

    80 + dead in Noway...

    Massively agree. The outpouring of sympathy for this poor excuse for a singer in place of news about this tragic massacre as well as the ongoing famine in East Africa is outrageous. People actually going as far as inducting her into the 27 club - blasphemous IMO. Having said that, Sickipedia is...
  9. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Would just like to say a public thank you very much to Magic Flight. Best customer service of any company I've ever dealt with. Shipped my replacement PA to the UK in record time, and I didn't have to a pay a penny in customs this time :D This PA is sturdier, seems to be made of a slightly...
  10. wilf789

    Question about Cannabinoid Vaporization at Diff. Temperatures

    On a related note, do people find that bowls/stems etc last longer when there's more than one type of bud mixed together? Last week I noticed my SSV bowl, packed solely with one type of Cheese, lasted a lot less long than they usually do. Seeing as I don't have access to medical marijuana and...
  11. wilf789

    Did the USA just lose the space race?

    One of the Space Station's greatest achievements is the fact that it's international IMO. If you went back to the early Cold War era when the Space Race first started and told people that by now the Americans, the Russians, the Europeans and the Japanese among others were all working together...
  12. wilf789

    My Stash

    That is absolutely perfect, exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much Mr Francis! Now to try and hunt some of these down across Amsterdam.
  13. wilf789

    The High Times buyer's guide to vaporizers

    Also at the end of the day they still need to make money to keep producing their mag. I get annoyed with those ads as well, and I'm sure even within their offices not everyone is happy with them too, but if their circulation was high enough (no pun intended) then they wouldn't need to take...
  14. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Happy belated Ed, hope you had a nice day and meal! Could be worse than being too hot, you could live in England where a typical July day like today is grey and pissing it down with rain all afternoon, what fun! On a tolerance break at the moment but as soon as it's done I'll be chomping at...
  15. wilf789

    My Stash

    Yeah de Dampkring is one of my favourite shops, always go there when I go to the Dam. I know the hashes will have more CBD content, as will the Asian strains, just wondering about particular names I can recommend.
  16. wilf789

    My Stash

    Can anyone recommend some high CBD strains please? I know of Harlequin and a couple of others but not many. Also this will be for Amsterdam, not America, and so of course the focus of coffee shop strains isn't necessarily on medication but I have a friend going with a condition I think will be...
  17. wilf789

    Fooootball, Soccer, whatever........

    Haha that is jokes! Slightly wish he had screwed it up though, would have been twice as funny and he would have looked like a massive twat.
  18. wilf789

    Women's World Cup......

    For a country that is more football mad than any other, people could still really not give a shit here in the UK. Also perhaps people care more in the US because your women always win or are runners-up! So congrats to them/you guys - your men are still a little way off consistent performances...
  19. wilf789

    I'm stuck with a Health plan I can't get out

    The NHS is one of the things I am most proud of in the UK, especially having lived in America for a while and experiencing the hypochondria that accompanies the willy-nilly prescribing of myriad pills and tests. I remember getting a nasty cold in the winter there, and was instantly advised about...
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