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  1. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    For anyone who may not have seen the post when it was first made a few months ago, I highly recommend getting some Arizer dome screens to put in the standard wands, as shown originally by FLskwat. See here: It's so good for vaping the wand...
  2. wilf789

    'Why is it only 'formers' who want to talk about drugs?'

    Yep agree with that mate! I had Branson in mind when I wrote my previous post, I know he's been supportive for a while now but he does have a bit of a kooky reputation still. With alcohol prohibition, du Pont and Rockefeller in particular were viewed as unimpeachable in their character, and so...
  3. wilf789

    'Why is it only 'formers' who want to talk about drugs?'

    The Prohibition of alcohol was repealed for a variety of reasons, but the most important were firstly the increasing pressure applied on the government by the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment led by the incredibly wealthy captains of industry Pierre du Pont and John J. Raskob - even...
  4. wilf789

    Weed Wars

    Posted about this here: Good article here from the Guardian which also interviews one of the main dispensary owners featured in Weed Wars,
  5. wilf789

    Discontinued Vapor Blunt

    Haha that made me imagine some sort of suppository vape... :uhoh: You would have to like fart out the vapour! Too far...? Probably. Sorry. But yep I agree with the above posters - much respect to the Vapor Blunt guy for being honest with his posts! Very nice to see.
  6. wilf789

    I want a vape that will get me as high as possible

    :lol: Fair play to you mate for being so forthright! I'd echo the calls for a Cloud, when it comes out, or a SSV in the meantime. MFLB will still get you very stoned, no doubt, especially with the power adaptor, but really not in the same smack-you-in-the-face way as a desktop vape will. Get...
  7. wilf789

    Civilization Much Older Than Previously Thought

    If you're into this sort of thing - fine. All I'm asking it that people don't think of it as history. Yes, as I was outlining above, you can argue quite well that there is no such thing as fact, or a 'true' and knowable past, which could technically leave the way open for anyone to say...
  8. wilf789

    'Why is it only 'formers' who want to talk about drugs?'

    Another good article from the Guardian here: Makes relevant points about how it is only when big money/business gets involved that we are likely to see front-line politicians actually shifting their policies. People just don't...
  9. wilf789

    'Why is it only 'formers' who want to talk about drugs?'

    With the amount of activism and coverage on the issue of drug legalisation/regulation in America compared to what it usually gets in the UK, I am proud to post what I think is a very good article from the BBC website about a story developing over here. It stems from another good piece of news...
  10. wilf789

    Discontinued Vapor Blunt

    Glad to be of assistance :D Seriously though, hope it all works out mate - it sure ain't easy to design, release and successfully sell your own product, so good luck to you. Hopefully most people won't be as immature as me - but I could just imagine rather too many cock-jokes being made if my...
  11. wilf789

    Discontinued Vaporfection viVape

    It could turn out to be a great vape for all I know, but their kind of phony, over-the-top marketing just really puts me off. Saying stuff like 'the quietest and fastest delivery in the industry', or in the video she says words to the effect of its 'the most durable vaporiser on the market' - er...
  12. wilf789

    Discontinued Vapor Blunt

    It's like they based their design on Lexington Steele.. :uhoh:
  13. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    The french for sirens is: ;) :peace:
  14. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Thanks very much mate - the first ebay link should be fine, especially with free delivery. French isn't a problem for me but it seems he only has standard heater covers on his site. I have to say also that it is rather funny that wands are called baguettes in french :D
  15. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    A friend of mine has a GG SSV but unfortunately has smashed the glass heater cover - does anyone know a UK supplier of parts? He had a look online but apparently could only find it for around 50 with 30 p&p from America. I told him I'd ask the very clever people on FC if they knew any cheaper ways?
  16. wilf789

    Things aren't looking good for us herb users?

    Good article from the Guardian: Then referring to the owner of the Harborside Health Centre, Steve DeAngelo, and the legal challenges facing his dispensary:
  17. wilf789

    Civilization Much Older Than Previously Thought

    Just had to revisit this thread in light of the most recent episode of South Park. For those who didn't see it it completely lampoons the History Channel and its theories of ancient aliens, this time centring around the history of Thanksgiving. Mini review here...
  18. wilf789

    Things aren't looking good for us herb users?

    Good op-ed piece in the NY Times about all this from that Drug Policy Alliance's Executive Director, Ethan Nadelmann:
  19. wilf789

    Has anyone been watching Game of Thrones on HBO?

    Very good interview with George R.R. Martin (the author of the original series of novels) here: Doesn't have any major spoilers so don't worry if you haven't read the books. After watching the series myself I couldn't...
  20. wilf789

    My Stash

    Beautiful nug there mate - should hit for a while with crystal coverage like that! Nearly makes me weep when you say $160 CAD is pricey though, an oz of raw here can cost over $400 CAD :(
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