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  1. wilf789

    Has anyone been watching Game of Thrones on HBO?

    Think I'm gonna have to pick up the books from my library to read them in the meantime - won't be able to wait for them to film the next series!
  2. wilf789

    Unappetizing Foods.......

    This was even on the news the other day it looks so disgusting: Also spotted dick the dessert itself is actually really nice, but anything like that in a can just seems dodgy in my opinion.
  3. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Yeah mate I've seen them before and already own a few myself, they're excellent pieces of work for sure. Always like new products though and variety is king in my book.
  4. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Please may you make some new LB stems mate, I'm definitely overdue for a new purchase for my lovely little launch box!
  5. wilf789

    Think Tanks View on Cannabis Legalization

    I'm glad to see the newspapers here are at least sticking with this story for a few days. The Independent seems to have heeded your words, Pakalolo, stating today: See here: and here...
  6. wilf789

    Think Tanks View on Cannabis Legalization

    Yep completely agree that the article is made up of the main, basic points that any legalisation advocate knows. I think the difference is that this is in a mainstream, centre-spectrum, respected newspaper which makes a change from the usual garbage we're fed by most media outlets (other than...
  7. wilf789

    My Stash

    Those all looks delicious. Never had the pleasure of trying Maui Wowie but it's something I'd truly love to sample. Saw some in a Dam coffee shop once but it was 24 euros a gram which is ridiculous pricing for that; then again it was The Grasshopper which I quickly learnt is a touristy hole...
  8. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I was just using my PA thinking about this; its true greatness lies in its ability to deliver perfectly consistent hits to produce that just barely visible vapour. Back when I first got my MFLB, having come from an SSV, I was worried I wouldn't get as high from something which wasn't producing...
  9. wilf789

    Think Tanks View on Cannabis Legalization

    A very sage article from The Independent newspaper (a well respected broadsheet for those of you outside the UK) entitled 'A war we should fight no longer' : Sums...
  10. wilf789

    Walmart of Weed......Arizona

    I really fail to understand the logic behind these kinds of statements. The people of this state have exercised their most powerful right as citizens and have legally voted that they want medical marijuana to be available. Someone should be arguing that regardless of federal law, the state...
  11. wilf789

    Indy......... I was like........FUCK !!

    I see where you're coming from to a certain extent, but to be honest there are a lot more boring Formula 1 circuits than Monaco in terms of predictability. Also the street racing nature gives Monaco a more exciting edge and must take such skill considering the speeds they're going. Plus there's...
  12. wilf789

    My Stash

    Have to agree about the quality of hash on the continent, even in comparison to the UK which at least still has better regular hash than the US. Having said that ours is still very variable, some supposed "squidgy black" is coated with boot polish to make it smell more, yuck! My french mate here...
  13. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Yeah half-way can be plenty high enough to get clouds, it all depends on the particular type of bud and how much you load into the wand etc. Like Vitolo says, some you can start lower, some you need to start higher. Even if you set 12 to be your 'sweet-spot' you will find that it varies for...
  14. wilf789

    lol would you smoke/vape justin bieber?

    'Clerks at Toronto-area head shops contacted by the National Post were unable to confirm the existence of the strain and were extremely uninterested in finding out.' :lol:
  15. wilf789

    So does anyone actually have a bad short term memory?

    In my experience it's just stuff that my brain (whilst high) obviously just doesn't deem important enough to sacrifice memory-space that slips by the wayside. Usually just small things like going off on a tangent then not remembering where the conversation started etc. Think it can be summed up...
  16. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ah are they not as easy to spin into LB stems or something? I'm sure they'd be very popular if you did! First customer right here. Although that bocote is really nice too as I said. Got a cocobolo stem already and I love it - definitely a big fan of the species with the most contrast in them...
  17. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ed you're killing me. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more vape accessories for a while but that is some beautiful work right there. Please tell me you have/will have LB stems of the Asian Black & White Ebony? The Bocote looks so good as well though... decisions decisions.
  18. wilf789

    Fun with bad autocorrect.

    Haha auto-correct seems to have a pretty crude/hilarious sense of humour One of my favourites: with:
  19. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    No worries mate, I did remember it was you but didn't want to call you out by name as of course you were only trying to help. I might have just been unlucky so it might still be good advice for others. Yeah an extra 30 does make the PA too expensive, but as I said I didn't really have a choice...
  20. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Had my Power Adaptor for about a week now and wasn't even sure another glowing review was even necessary but Magic Flight's hand-written note inside and general customer service excellence has made me want to do one anyway. I love it! Its design fits in perfectly with the Box itself. I can...
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