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  1. wilf789

    so I rolled a fat joint with my abv

    Yeah I always use a sprinkling of AVB in my spliffs since I started vaping. Helps them burn slower/last longer. Most people over here use way too much tobacco in their joints. Personally I prefer a teeny bit of crumbled tobacco and then avb both under and on top of the green. It does still work...
  2. wilf789

    Rand Paul Makes My Day!

    :D too true mate! Always makes me chuckle to hear people talk about freedom like it's some clearly defined political movement or ethos. Saying you want freedom over tyranny is like saying you want a blowjob instead of being bum-raped - a rather obvious choice IMO. Definitely agree the govt gets...
  3. wilf789

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Does anyone have suggestions for how to clean out the wooden LB tubes please? I noticed yesterday that inside both of mine there is a build-up of what seems a bit like the wand-hash you get in a SSV wand. I ran the fluffy cleaner stick that Ed sends with his tubes through it - but that turned...
  4. wilf789

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Was just watching a couple of MFLB videos on youtube and noticed something I never had before - some people's batteries go into the left side of the box instead of the right side. On Vito's videos and also a couple of other ones, the battery/PA plugs in on the opposite side to my own and the one...
  5. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Cheers mate!
  6. wilf789

    The Picture Thread

  7. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Does anyone know if the VB mini-whips are on sale again or if when they went out of stock a while ago they just stopped making them altogether? Thanks
  8. wilf789

    Dutch Government to Ban Tourists From Cannabis Shops

    Here's a BBC story on what you mentioned mate: Actually starting to get me a bit more worried than the initial stories about just banning foreigners in Maastricht. When are your next elections - ones that will influence those who have the power...
  9. wilf789

    Best portable strictly based upon tasty vapors?

    Exactly the same with me mate. Whenever I have a nice super lemon or something with a really nice flavour it'll get used mainly in the MFLB. Then again we're both comparing it to the SSV, rather than other portables.
  10. wilf789

    Dutch Government to Ban Tourists From Cannabis Shops

    That story is just the BBC being very slow on the uptake of a story that was mentioned on here ( ) a while ago already. Like I said in that thread, I really can't ever see Amsterdam itself changing their laws.
  11. wilf789

    great 420 cities in the world for visitors

    The UK is definitely not 'illegal but often unenforced' either. It may not carry quite as heavy a penalty as some other drugs but police will always give you at least a caution - which can lead to arrest if repeated. A mate and I were caught after combusting in his car a few months ago and...
  12. wilf789

    great 420 cities in the world for visitors

    Planning to move to BC myself around the new year, therefore the above post is highly relevant to my interests!
  13. wilf789

    Do you still combust?

  14. wilf789


    Felt like re-living some of the tunes that made me first love dubstep years ago, before I stopped regularly following it after the course it has taken over the last year or two. Rusko - Jahova: As the top comment says - 'quite possibly the best dubstep tune...
  15. wilf789

    More Emoticons available

    Haha could have definitely used this one before now to sum up some of the posts here :myday: And for the Brits among us, is it me or does this one look like he's almost doing the wanker hand gesture? :argh:
  16. wilf789

    Why is marijuana totally legal in so few countries around the world?

    Not saying that you don't already know this - but decriminalised and legalised are not the same thing. Decriminalised is only a half-way measure, the production and sale can still be illegal, leaving the black market (obviously one of illegal drugs' worst aspects) untouched for the most part.
  17. wilf789

    Do you still combust?

    Yes in the UK it's always been the way to my memory. I'm not entirely sure why joint rolling would have evolved differently on this side of the pond but perhaps something to do with historically not as good quality of bud - only recently have we started seeing prime stuff more steadily. Anyway...
  18. wilf789

    Do you still combust?

    I see Nosferatu's point about social life of vaping though. For example it can seem rude, especially if you're with friends of friends who you don't know, to refuse a joint they've rolled as it's being passed round. Of course you might just explain that you only vape, but can still seem a...
  19. wilf789


    :D - Poor old Ponting, all that sledging didn't do you much good now eh mate? Very much agree Sir! I've often thought one of the only reasons I would ever get into politics/want to be Prime Minister for is to make it against the law/punishable by flogging to produce such utterly shite...
  20. wilf789


    He's not kidding folks. Personally, I absolutely loathe the stuff and wouldn't recommend it to an enemy even. But if you're the adventurous type with food, go ahead and see if you like it, many do. Just, be careful - and don't say you weren't warned if it makes you want to vomit! Edit -...
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