I have more than a few criticism of Rand Paul. We can start with the simple one's first, the fact that he is calling the grass root's occupy wall street movement a "mob" yet, not once do I recall hearing him call the tea party protest as "mobs". The tea party protest that had people bringing guns, that sounds like a mob more than the occupy wall street movement does. And if it wasn't for the corporate funded tea party he would have never got elected. The real members of the tea party, before it got highjacked by a bunch of PAC's, the original Ron Paul tea party are at those occupy wall street movement's so it's a bit fucked for Rand to call them "mobs". I also never heard him call this crowd of
his supporters a mob either
Then there is his whole stance on the civil rights act, which is where the nutty side of his Libertarian views come out to play, much like his fathers. Here is a quote of his from a Rachel Maddow show,
"I would never belong to any club that excluded anybody for race. We still do have private clubs in America that can discriminate based on race. But I think what's important about this debate is not written into any specific 'gotcha' on this, but asking the question: What about freedom of speech? Should we limit speech from people we find abhorrent? Should we limit racists from speaking? . . . I don't want to be associated with those people, but I also don't want to limit their speech in any way in the sense that we tolerate boorish and uncivilized behavior because that's one of the things freedom requires." So we all can agree that anyone can
say anything they please, but does anyone here also believe that a grocery store or a gas station should be able to refuse service to anyone because of how they look?
He is also a eye doctor that is board-certified by the National Board of Ophthalmology, That's his group that he is on the board of. The guy likes to pretend he is a real eye doctor.. that's more than sad and disheartening. Nothing new though, my senator, Mark Kirk lied about winning Navy Officer of the year. Real Patriot, huh?
and for what he says in the video posted, I can see his point. But the fact is regulation is needed in many instances, especially in a Capitalist marketplace where profit is all that matters. No regulation and you get lead in children's toys, contaminated food, unsafe cars. Lack of regulation gave us the BP oil spill. Everyone enjoys the benefits of the regulation standards set by our government, but I assume most just don't think enough about it, just like how everyone screams Socialism and then uses streets, the post office, city water and sewage, fire departments, police, ect.. And when did toilets become so damn sacred? It's a bucket filled with water and shit
So he keeps bitching about "restricting his choices" but he doesn't mind if a private business restricts service and goods to someone based on race?

And also, what does the guy eat that makes his shit so nasty and huge that he can't flush it? I have never had a shit that couldn't flush, he either uses waaay too much toilet paper, which means he doesn't care about conservation like he said he does, or he shits cement?
and his wise father
Considering the state of health care in this country that stance is just fucked IMO. Protect the corporation at all cost, but never the consumer. Is that libertarian? Because forcing a company that takes money in turn for a guarantee of health care when needed, to actually provide said health care, well that's just "big government oversight" right? Never knew Libertarian meant corporatist.