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  1. wilf789

    Does Our (USA) Government Use Rape to Control it's Prison Population?

    Wat I just had a horrific mental image of being prison raped by the character in your avatar :uhoh: Sorry I didn't add anything intelligent to the topic... but that thought was too gross not to share!
  2. wilf789

    RIP Whitney Houston

    Whitney Houston won an impressive six grammys in fourteen years. Slightly less impressive was her recent attempt at six grams in fourteen minutes. ---- What was Whitney Houston's biggest hit? Her last one. ---- Sorry if you found these distasteful, humour is often the best way to deal...
  3. wilf789

    The Sports Thread

    That was a great game. I said earlier about the stop-start nature of american football seeming odd to an outsider but those last few minutes there showed how it can really add to the tension and build up to a big finish. Crazy to see a touchdown that was scored sort-of by mistake too! I know...
  4. wilf789

    The Sports Thread

    Yeah mate watching the MLS is not a good advert for the sport at all. We have NFL Europe over here and it's just the same - you're watching and you can tell the players are still skilled athletes etc. but it's just not the same as the real thing played in the right country. I'm ever so glad...
  5. wilf789

    Vape + philosophy = ideas to ponder....

    Big fan! Haven't read much, been meaning to for ages, but from what I've gathered it's basically about being happy and not living in fear of death and God/s. With the media being pretty much based on fear-mongering these days I think lessons on Epicurus should be mandatory for all! Having been...
  6. wilf789

    It would suck.............. be a Crystal Palace fan this morning :( :( :(
  7. wilf789

    It would suck..............

    ... if the Giants hadn't won last night as I would waking up with less money in my account! It also must suck even more to be Billy Cundiff now after seeing the Giants kicker do his job properly!
  8. wilf789

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Hows about some Sonny Boy Williamson and his amazing blues harmonica skills from the late 50s to accompany this cold weather?
  9. wilf789

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Does anyone play BF3 on Xbox?
  10. wilf789

    Beer, on its own and combined with Cannabis

    Got back today from a few days in Belgium - as I'm sure many of you know they absolutely love their beer over there. In the UK and US you only really get Hoegaarden and Leffe in the regular stores, can maybe find some rarer imports in speciality places of course. Tried to have a different brew...
  11. wilf789

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    Just got back from 3 days in Brussels - after a great Christmas (for a change!) and a few days of incredibly good food and beer, coming home to my SSV and some South Park has got me feeling very festively blazed!
  12. wilf789

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Just had my first day of online BF3 - having never played any of the series before, I'm not very good... yet! We should get together a fuckcombustion squad or something.
  13. wilf789

    The Sports Thread

    Was just reading over the hockey v cricket posts from the previous page and I must say that it's perfectly possible to like both! They're pretty much polar opposites but they each clearly have their own merits. Cricket is much more similar to baseball, in that the fans are often stat-happy and...
  14. wilf789

    Dutch Government to Ban Tourists From Cannabis Shops

    Do you know what the people/local gov officials in Amsterdam itself are saying about all this mate? Even as this news has been building for a while over the last year or so I always thought that Amsterdam would not be in favour of it because of the effect it would have on their tourist income -...
  15. wilf789

    Space news this week!

    I heard black holes were responsible for warping ancient aliens onto earth who then left loads of totally unexplainable symbols maaaan. I saw it on History Channel so it must be true!
  16. wilf789

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    There's definitely something about being super high that makes you better at CoD/other online gaming. My highest kill streak was got on 4/20, when I was about as baked as I have ever been, coming after 2 months of tolerance break. Even just a few nice puffs on the MFLB and I can see my scores...
  17. wilf789

    My Stash

    Rather jealous! Kent is terrible for selection :(
  18. wilf789

    The Picture Thread

    Rules:- You must post an image in every post you make!
  19. wilf789

    Steepest roller coaster

    Just saw this video from a downhill ride in Mieders, Austria. Looks pretty nuts! Typical crazy aussie who made the video not using the brakes!
  20. wilf789

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    As we don't have as many headshops over here I got mine online, but I'm sure you'll be able to find them pretty easily. Obviously the rationing only works if you have wand hash in the first place (or a dirty wand that needs cleaning/de-hashing) but I'm continually pleasantly surprised at how...
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