I just watched Vape Critics review. I always take his reviews with a grain of salt just because I take everyone's reviews with a grain of salt. I feel like reviews help steer me, but I have learned that in no way should I trust one person's opinion but rather a collective mind of opinions (such as FC). When the Cloud first came out, FC was going nuts, and even with its growing pains, it's still the best vape I have ever used (still using my cloud evo).
That being said, cutting through his bias, how hot really is the vapor? Let's say I'm going out to bar with a friend, can we reasonably take a bunch of hits outside with it quickly? Or will it actually get too hot? Or is a better tack to take a LARGE hit and be one and done.
I do have my titanium on order, and I'm no stranger to hot vapor, as my pax at high temperature got pretty hot at times. How is it compared to that? A bit hotter?
It is hot, on higher temps it can be very hot, concentrated heat drawn fast against your throat tongue or lips, but you can adjust technique for it to be manageable. The physical heat is easily controlled by clicking off between hits, am turning it off toward he end of my hit 95% of the time to clear the heat out and I am only using the SS for now. Back to back it can get warm, but with proper technique the mouthpiece won't get physically hit and it is an ergonomic shape (I remember people saying they put the whole oven in their mouths bc it was better insulated there but not necessary this way at all).
The vapor itself can be hot and harsh in the way a conduction session vape can be on upper temps (meaning above level 3 here in my experience) especially one with a short vapor path oven/chamber right under the mouthpiece. Here it can be hotter bc the heater is much more powerful, meant to work with very fast big rips, rapidly heating (and clicking) when engaged to maintain temp. So in a way the vapor quality could be lower than your Pax and comparable to other session conduction vapes, but the hits will be better bc of the pure convection, stronger and more efficient, and low temp wise overall better imo.
I haven't gotten to try using with others yet though, Ti will cool quicker though right, so using this proper on demand vape technique it should work well. If you want to keep it on and pass it without any chilling, you can get blasted real quick with even one or two big hits at non low temps, but you would have to tolerate a decent amount of harsh heat is all I think, many people don't have issue with that, some definitely will.
maybe vpae critic is pissed off because he had to wait for his ghand also paid for it...but who knows sometimes I have the opinion that he is getting paid or at least gifted...
and regarding hotness of vapor which other portable is compareable...
Yeah honestly for me, even through that big glass piece I posted a photo of it the upper temps are still hot and lower vapor quality than some other vapes I have, but the power in the package is the cause. Comparably it really is like a Cloud Evo and not like many portables, it's like a mini Evo with like zero vapor path so that's a lot of hot air is all, the way the heater works, it's just the nature of this unique design. It's like a Lily stock mouthpiece maybe with the hotness of the vapor if used at upper temp settings, or a very short stem ss tip ss bowl log hit perhaps...
I come from a bong background right, and so the smoking mentality is still in my blood.
As a whole, the vaping experience for me has altered my appreciation for cannabis, and it has a lot to offer.
I think the GH offers perfect middleground.
If you spend a bunch on a Mighty - you will get a mind-blowing vaping experience. That's how I would explain my encounter with that brilliant device.
But the 'vaping' experience is a far cry from hitting a fat bong. It's slow and pleasant, and not properly extreme.
The hopper is more extreme than the Mighty, ever, ever so slightly less extreme than my EQ, and generally just what I'm looking for.
It fades the transition between smoking and vaping.
Yeah man you need to try some more manual convection on demand vapes, all require some level of technique but the reward is often bong like hits, true smokers' vapes in my experience (for me Daisy/Lily and Milaana mainly, but quite a few others too, possibly including logs depending on use). There's just something slightly different about more automatic convection like the ones you mention

But yes as a vaper's vape GH is like the ultimate, stealth and convenience like a wax pen or exig with precison and still plenty of power.
I agree.
He spends like 3-4 minutes bashing the design, asking why it looks like a pen and why there's a pen clip. Seriously? Then goes into the nuances of the pen clicking and how you need to put "a decent amount of force" into it. Like, it's obviously designed to look like a pen, and you need a decent amount of force so it won't turn on in your pocket or another location.
I get it's his opinions, but it felt like he didn't even think about the design or anything about it.
Edit: In regards to the heat, I personally always use it with the silicon mouthpiece. The first time I used it I noticed the heat and I had to adjust my technique, now I never notice it. I do notice when I pass it around some people find it does get hot on their lips, but again you just have to tell them to only have a light grip.
Yeah the pen design is the source of a lot of the cons for the vape, it is incredible that it does not sacrifice power or convenience for the pen form though like you would expect based on other small vapes. It is truly like Thermovape evo evolution in a lot of ways, more automatic a desktop in a slimmer form and the crazy part is near identical to a fancy space pen. I do feel thats really cool but having used other stealthy vapes I could see it working well without those limitations, still being super stealth with less overall performance sacrifice...
But yes proper technique avoids issues for a solid vape, like the Elevape and many many other amazing powerful efficient portable vapes. Why Vape Critic proves himself a poor authority on the subject, he can only handle automatic for the most part and doesn't learn to use a new vape and get the most of it... maybe that is how the masses are though?
i think he is using Hopper wrong. he talked about few hits before it is getting hot. but this is aint no session vape. user should be coughing and sweating after clearing that bowl in two big rips. this is one hitter. i think he doesn't get this concept. because he opens up a chamber and gives a stirring like to fcuking launch box. WTF? is anyone else doing that? and he is first one to suggest that fine grinded material is better for a Hopper.

i heard people not grinding herb at all, or just grinding it coarse. others say that it gives better air flow and therefore a cloud also. plus not clogging that screen so badly as a powdered weed.
very, very fishy his review this time. he say opposite things to general feedback.
Yeah as automatic as it is, it is still best used like an on demand pure convection manual vape, it has its own quirks and proper technique can overcome them. Like I said he is a vapor fool, like not knowing the battery situation, he made up his mind before he got it how he would use it and how he felt about the hype. I don't get why there are several pages talking about him, we are all here bc this is a far better resource than his garbage, I learned he was a waste of time after my third vape (joined here after number 2)...
Yeah courseish grind is good, but screen can get clogged depending on pack and draw anyway, sometimes I do open mine up and see it all compacted at the top and I poke it free and loose again (usually if there is some fine mixed in, depends on strain etc, so that is indeed a decent factor as you say) This is definitely a rare pure convection vape that really does work without stirring easily, but like pretty much every single one I have ever used it can still benefit from a little stir. There are ways to avoid stirring like in Elevape and Milaana, here it is easier to do, but it also possible to need to stir depending on use is my point.
That this is a fantastic on demand pure convection vape, mixes a lot of elements and has a lot of pros and cons, but it is a vape capable of properly fucking combustion (based on my own definition and experience with it all) and that often entails a learning curve of some sort. And if you read the threads here, you will usually know what to expect and adjust accordingly. If you watch VC reviews, you'll end up with a less effective vape, but simpler in a sense, so let's move on shall we?