For me, at this moment there is no better than the might and crafty.

Of course, the crafty has some weaknesses due to single battery... because of that I have two crafty's rotating.
Completely agree.... and now after receiving my GH, as great of a product as it is, i'm debating following your lead with having 2 Crafty's, not only to rotate (and for my wife) but also for a backup should one get sick!
My advice is to reduce your vaporization temperature
Not a chance! Nothing replicates the bong snapping experience for me like setting it to 210c on a full bowl with fine grind! I get PLENTY of flavour, and it's thick! Sure not great for the Crafty, probably better suited for the Mighty. But you're right, the CU is so effective that water isn't "needed", which is another reason I love these vapes. The CU is just as much of a game changer as the GH IMO!
Sorry to go off topic, but it's in some way related.
Have you seen the mod I suggested in the GH thread.
Put your GH silicone sleeve on and put it into the the crafty cooing unit hole, sans crafty cooling unit screen.
It is a true testament to the cooling power of the crafty/Mighty cooling unit!!!
I sure have! Tried it yesterday, but if i'm going to be using a CU, it will be attached to the Crafty or Mighty. The GH is pretty hot and can be harsh without it.
So a short HOT vapor path get you higher. Right?
I think you have something here, which is why I asked about the muzzmod vs Song for water use in the Mighty thread. You're losing actives forsure to the CU, or glass or whatever. But like
@Thcgos said, you can definitely take bigger hits with the CU, and probably absorb more.
I'll know soon, because I will be comparing the Muzzmod to the Song/CU shortly!
Damn, now i'm considering buying TWO Crafty's! Honestly, I think my vape collection is going out the door, and i'm thinking the lineup will be Mighty X 2 and Crafty X 2, and VAS is over (for now). These S&B products do it for me and my wife like no others... just keep gravitating back to them!