delivery guy showed up this morning with a package! i improvised and made a muzzmod from a bowl which came with the bong. So happy about results - muzzmod definitely milks better than using anything else connected to cooling unit. Nice weekend to everybody!
and the milky one
You've got my attention. Are you happy with your adapter (looking to safe/longterm?) on the Mighty? (I do know about the muzzmod (may do that!) and the Chinese thing from Vapefiend in UK (won't be going there...)
What bubbler is in your pic, or rather, do these adapters often come with bubblers/bongs? I'd like to pick up some glass for Mighty, but must be low budget, just bubbly, not huge or big bong-like**, and able to accept a whip for passing between 2 peeps, kinda hooka style. I'd actually rather the Mighty attach to glass with a tube arrangement as well. I do know there'd be some loss of vape, especially with that tube acting as a condenser, and some loss with whip, but I have done some experimenting and getting great hits with a Rube Goldberg arrangement as it is.
** note, I had a pulmonary specialist tell me he has personally seen patients who have "burst a lung" from use of bongs!!!! I told him
I am not nearly that enthusiastic. A word to the wise...
Lots of folks like the D020d. can that one use a whip?. Can it accept tubing on inflow side?
And last, I've looked at MF Orbit, a little pricey, but someone said you can put a whip onto it (what brand was that whip again?).
I'm behind the curve about photos or videos, but my basic setup is built in less than 10 min., only with the following and no glue, adhesives or fasteners, all friction-fit:
A small (8oz. ?) glass honey jar and white screw-on plastic lid it came with.
Blue plastic tubing, sold as water supply line with home water filters (1/4' o.d.)
Of this, one 6" piece and two 3" pieces.
Clear tubing sold at hardware store for "water line" like in rv's and boats. (1/4" i.d./+/-3/16" o.d.)
Of this, one 10" piece and one 30" piece.
I used an electric drill to make two 1/4" holes in the plastic lid. The blue tubing is a perfect/snug fit, so I put in a 6" piece and a 3" piece, each protruding out the top about 1-1/2".
The clear tubing fits snug right over the blue tubing. 30" piece goes on the 3" blue. Other end of this whip gets the other 3" blue as a little mouthpiece. The 10" clear goes onto the 6" blue (which goes down into the water). Other end of
10" tube --and this is the coolest discovery -- FITS perfectly into the Mighty c/u, after the c/u mouthpiece is removed!! It goes snug right in the hole where the mouthpiece usually goes. After trying this fit with an o-ring, I realized it fit better without the o-ring.
Though some (into the jar lid) are slightly tenuous, all of these connections are airtight in use
In a couple of months trials, I see no hint of degradation from heat, no weird taste, I do know this won't last, so I'm looking for something I can maintain easier. Though at pennies/foot, this tubing stuff can just be tossed as often as one likes!)
I also use same setup with Pax2, though I've made a mod of its' (tall) mouthpiece to accept a short length of the little blue tube. Simple. Hint, used the same 1/4" drill, just a little tricky angle through one of the existing holes in the mouthpiece, without interfering with the switch extension inside the mouthpiece.. The second hole in that mouthpiece gets covered with a finger, which finger doubles as activating the lip-sensing booster...and a partial carborater(sp?) release!
Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
I hope someone can give some guidance to a relatively uninitiated bubble man. And I hope at a minimum this is entertaining about my home science project.