My unit doesn't do that and I was just posting my personal findings. Sorry if that offended you................
Oh, no, I'm not offended. I'm concerned that some guys might take your 'findings' as fact given the way you talk about design faults and changes that IMO don't exist. That, IMO is not only not true, but would naturally lead some to think there was an undefined fault in their early unit, for instance. Or some battery life advantage in a new one.
If there was any evidence of this, IMO that's worth looking into.
Lots of misinformation drifting around, I'd like the information available here to be reliable as I'm sure most do. To me that means 'peer review': I expect my opinions to be questioned by those in a position to 'keep it real', welcome it even.
Thanks for setting it straight.
I think i was
that first posted there
might be a difference in voltage between the two versions. This was as i had read here different results to mine, but as more people have posted their results i think we can say both units act the same regards to voltage
Wherever the source, good topic to get straight I think. Good thing to question, but not state as fact? This (checking battery management) was one of my main reasons for buying a second Air, the other to investigate the only apparent difference, the 'battery meter', which is kinda related. And a change in stems happened, of course. I was concerned when Sinclue posted he thought the temperature had changed on his new one (by a step?), but that doesn't seem to be a common thing. Near as I can tell mine are identical performance wise. IMO a guy is well served by either version.......I just wish I could see the colors like everyone else.......well most everyone else.
That last part is driving me nuts to the level I just ordered some plastic filter film to play with. Right now all I have is red, fine lot of good that does since red is lit for 3 of the four colors (white, orange, and red). It's sort of a 'not green' filter, which means not freshly charged (which I can usually remember well enough to not get caught dead).
Thanks for the confession.........