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Hi guys.
My air just arrived today. I have orderd 2 more batteries would it be ok to charge them with the omicron charger? That would be real nice so i did not have to buy a new charger.
I have no clue if this works please help me out![]()
As long it's a quality charger with over-charging protection you'll be fine. As far as I know, the batteries themselves don't have any protection so make sure you never over-charge and never fully discharge.
The Nitecore chargers are highly recommended.
No, it flashes red for the second half of the range. First green, then white, then orange to the 50% point, after than it's red each power up. Once the voltage drops under about 3.6 Volts in my tests
There might be a fifth setting. I notice somewhere between white and orange there is a setting where it looks like it's white but there are other colours flashing behind it as if it's in the middle of a transition from white to orange/yellow. I've seen it twice already. It might just be my eyes playing tricks or my specific unit... not sure really.
any suggestions on how to fix the hard draw on the air?i mean u suck and it feels like you have to train your lungs to feel it easy...
Instead of pushing the stem in all the way so it touches the plate, try lifting it up just a little. Even 1-2 millimeters is enough to greatly increase airflow. Another option is to buy the PVHES
So the newer model Airs have a battery indicator on it?
Yes. From what I gather it's 100% software related so with or without the indicator, your unit will function the same. With the indicator, you'll see a light representing a battery level rather than just a red light when battery is low.
I see.
So it flashes like a red color when the battery is near dead?
When you plug the unit into the charger or when you first turn it on, a light will pop up. This light indicates your battery level. As far as we know, the levels are (from highest to lowest): green, white, orange, and red.
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