no not really I originally bought a PNWT on sale for 80 bucks think'n "look at me go" yeah right,it slipped one day and had to buried with the rest of the shattered glass soldiers of the vape world but here buy it from the knock off kings themselves CHINA take a look bro-
I recently bought 2 for that price in case if one ever slips again. the quality is just about the same, no issues with the 2 that I have or any other bro's who have bought off of that thread "CHEAP HIGH QUALITY BUBBLER" You may be surprised in a good way. Although no very fine masterpieces but some very nice inexpensive rigs that can be bought for under 50 bucks, we as a whole over there are seeing prices slowly rise as the Chinese are learning what has to be done to compete in the EU/USA markets for glass pipes.
At first and some still do not understand what they are copying and do not or did not I should say about perc placement,YIKES you should have seen some of this stuff, its still around on some import glass mkts, but as time went on they got a whole lot better here check out the mobius knock off _, do not look at price he is sold out for the time being on single units and this is a whole sale price but this one cost FC members 46 bucks to the door
but go take a peek and follow the thread back a few months and see why its one of the largest replied threads other than the SOLO (which is Jurassic in size compared to anything else here at FC) that link is one of the reasons!! Good luck hit me up for any additional help if needed,plus I am a very happy Solo customer,only vape I have and find that it does everything I need it to from going out on the fly with it, to vaping huge clouds at home with power adapter going and milking up some nice glass rigs filled with the sweet taste that only a vape can produce and most of the rigs I have I chose selectively for it. The mobius knock off has a nice wide base,intake is center,no chance of tip over and the can is just the right size for milking and sending a shot of pure MJ right on down to your airbags for processing!! .Lots of good peeps over on that thread ,as well as the whole forum

PS I just bought a newer Solo havent unwrapped it yet my last is over a year old and running like its brand new.Need to find out if the break in procedure is the same as far as conditioning battery and while it now charges while also being used,.I havent heard any negative feed back yet but I havent been able to go too far back to find any. OK enjoy, hope some of the links help you with your GAS problem