Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen the new Tinymight stems out in the wild, I picked up the Vgoodies version with 20 balls and it’s quite nice, a little loose in the oring, but he doesn’t affect it.Who’s using the glass stem with 15 balls or the glass stem with 20 balls offered on the tinymight website ? Are they any good ?

Missile Stem for Tinymight by VGoodiEZ
Cool your Tinymight with this bead filled stem! More streamline than our larger Rocket Stem. Includes removable comfort Glass Tip which allows access to the cooling balls for cleaning. Filled with 6mm quartz balls for cooling. Built in glass screen. Also will accept conical or basket...
Vgoodies also has a Tinymight 3D stem on sale curved/clear only for $12, bargain.

Tinymight XL Cooling Stem for Tinymight by VGoodiEZ
This XL stem provides a solution to use Tinymight when portability is not the main concern. The benefit of the extra long stem is that it has special features inside the glass to cool down vapor without using the cooling unit. And cleaning is very simple, you can just rinse it with a hot water...