I again reached out to TM asking if there was any updates on Purpleheart/RED for the TM2 and received the following reply (I also wrote them a couple of months ago without a reply and wasn’t concerned at all then):
“Sadly this purple heart production is not going well, wood just keeps changing dimensions and shrinks and we cannot get it into condition that will make a tight fit to the metal panels and not have lightleaks. We really hoped that artificial drying process will speed up things ,but i guess we just either got a material that was really moist or just purpleheart is not suitable for production of TM2. THat being said we are going to explore alternative exotics and another source of PH, but we gonna order small samples first ,because we dont wanna find ourself sitting on bunch of useless wood again .
Please be sure that if ever an exotic pops out ,you can be first on the list and have a pick, i am sorry that we have strained your nerves and patience to this extent but it is a bit the same to us . We are making progress in other departments like Quality Control Testing and did some other small revisions , hopefully it would translate in less warranty cases,so we are really working constatly on making things better .
Thank you very much for the kind words and patience !Have a nice day !”
My nerves aren’t strained, LOL. I’d love a TM2 to compliment my TM and have as a backup. We’ll see. It will take more time for another wood variation, if any at all. We’ll see. I’ll let the TM experts figure it all out. I’ll simply keep enjoying my OG TM - BEST. VAPE. EVER!