Been away for a bit, back and rdy to spam this topic again
Here is a shot of three Revolves. Beta Gen1 on top, gen1 in the middle, beta gen2 on the bottom.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you
@Brenyo !
Just cleaned and ready to try!
Galactic thanks and commendations to
@Brenyo for this opportunity to check out the beta of the Gen 2 Revolve! My time on it is short, but so far I am really enjoying the feature upgrades. Especially the new secondary cooling unit... Bren mentioned those will be available with the new mouthpieces for Gen 1 as well, so I think I'll need to grab em for my V1, cause its a pretty dope addition, imo.
Wow, the beta (and yalls photos) looks stunning. Like Acstorfer said, impeccable finish! Cant wait for the release!
Powerbank functionality ... Hmm ... I mean, can't really see myself draining my Sense to load my phone / earbuds. Priorities, and all that

. I'd LOVE upgradable firmware though. Futureproof ftw. And 21700's would be super-swell aswell

Also being able to use it while charging/plugged in, without degrading the batteries, yeah ... that's really really neat stuff <3 Loving it.
All of these will have to be changed with the redesign, but we didn't set a PCB design in stone yet so that's not an issue.
I'd like to double the power output with the new batteries to around 120W so any new, more bulkier caps could be heated quicker potentially.
With the metal shell it will need very good airflow to keep it cool tho.
... 120W ?!?!?! That's a lot of energy! At 70W, my DV clicks at around 7-8 secs, and I already consider that really fast. I'm guessing you want your DV cap to click faster than the Ferrari F1 team does a pitstop

Here's a closer look at the Gen II beta, for anybody who is curious. Enjoy!
Thanks for this video, like, alot. Really nice job on comparing the two while zoomed in on your camera. Again, thanks, really valueable!