Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO


This Space For Rent
It took me a while to dial in the settings and methods for concentrates with the nail in the EVO but it's great with top notch flavors. I no longer torch quartz buckets for concentrates.

The EVO has matured into a stable and reliable platform from a known quality US producer and supplier. The EVO is one of a small number of excellent top end premium evapes. Especially for doing both flower and concentrates. It still has one of the largest and most powerful heaters out there and the technology and performance is still top notch. The setup, use and cleaning after use is all top rated, simple and easy. There is no direct heat/burn/fire hazard with the EVO. I'll mention that the EVO takes 3-4 minutes to heat up whereas a few new vapes have on-demand performance with a heat up time reportedly taking seconds. That's not a big deal to me as I'm always preparing to vape while the EVO heats up (grabbing glass, grabbing flower, grinding, loading the ELB, etc.). YMMV. The EVO also has a large support ecosystem with many products and third party suppliers. This includes tools and glass. The EVO can be used with dry/wet glass as well as with whips. There is no single best vape for everyone. Look closely at all the different vape options and see which one suits you best. Every vape has it's own advantages and disadvantages and different people have different preferences.

The EVO is typically a nice step up from the Plenty. The EVO is full convection heating while the Plenty is hybrid heating with both convection and conduction. The Plenty only goes to 396F which is ~50 F below combustion so it leaves cannabinoids unvaporized. And the Plenty is not as well suited with its coil vapor path to different mouthpiece options (dry and wet). I don't find the Plenty as good as the EVO for concentrates either. Note that the Plenty now is captured in the S&B aluminum particulate controversy which comes from attaching/detaching the coil whip cap.

New does not mean better. Vapes often seem to be released early and then go through revisions over time. The Flowerpot and EVO did this. And the S&B Hybrid Volcano situation is no bueno.

stevenlmz79. I have some issues with the hydratube and am trying to get it replaced. The hydrabase, stand and plug are fine. I will report back with a more fulsome review of the hydratube and the other glass pieces when this whole process ends. So far I'll note that when made well, they're all great pieces. The glass is reasonably thick enough.

:peace: :leaf:

I'm viewing their website and they are only showing one mouthpiece as being available, the precision honeycomb. Is that a good starting piece?


Well-Known Member
I'm viewing their website and they are only showing one mouthpiece as being available, the precision honeycomb. Is that a good starting piece?
In my experience the Precision series hydratubes are a great place to start if you don't mind purchasing a premium hydratube. It's smaller than you think, a goldilocks size and one of their two premium sidecar hydratube designs. You can use it wet or dry. I started with the Precision Honeycomb and a Helio (dry) and they're great. I now have a larger hydratube as well and wet it conditions more but at the expense of losing vapor potency. I'd rather have the Precision myself between the two.

If you want to do dry vaping much I recommend getting a Helio mouthpiece as well. There are some more basic dry mouthpiece options too. I like the Helio because it's short, small and easy to clean. The other basic dry mouthpieces are also easy to clean which is nice.

Last I saw on VapeXhale they also have the large Swiss Honeycomb hydratube in stock. There is the Lynx option too, which can be stacked with a dry mouthpiece, whip, another hydratube, etc.

VapeXhale glass stock changes quickly so check back often for whatever you are interested in. Also there are some third party resellers of OEM VapeXhale glass that may have a few hydratubes in stock that VapeXhale doesn't. Don't forget to check out the VapeXhale factory seconds list too.

Good luck! The EVO is a supremely capable and flexible vape setup.

:peace: :leaf:
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New Member
Just a heads up I ended up ordering from cloudytubes.ca. A set of 5 quartz tubes. Payment went through and as of Jan3rd my order sits unfulfilled. No response to emails. Will be filing to get money back tomorrow.

in the meantime I am down to 1 precious tube. Wish me luck as every use could be my last lol.

I had my evo gifted to me. It came with a swagger glass piece. It works amazing and super easy to clean.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that vendor experience @Lokee77 :shit:. At least you're lucky to get your hands on the EVO ;).

Here's the latest on the new DHgate glass purchase with me (mentioned in earlier posts). I'm new to DHgate and China glass purchases. It took some time and work but I was able to reach a mutual agreement with the seller and have him replace the Swiss Tree hydratube with a new production run unit to be shipped by late Feb (I used the DHgate purchase dispute mechanism for buyers and got into an email discussion separately with the seller about the unit). I hope this new Swiss Tree hydratube is free of significant flaws and will report back when I get the new one.

Oh ya, and while I was waiting for DHgate resolution I inquired at VapeXhale about the Swiss Tree hydratube. Their response was not encouraging.
Unfortunately, we no longer carry the Swiss Tree.

I'm away for a near two weeks shortly so I'm currently enjoying the EVO on a rare Thursday night :luv:. I mixed a nice 1/4 ELB combo of Viper and Sour Tangie... two fresh flower quality batches of strong sativas; it was top notch and one of the better experiences in the last while :tup::science: :evil:. I followed that bowl a few hours later with another small ELB of leftover grind from that and some fresh (boveda mason jar) stored Ghost Train Haze. I feel goooood man :cool:.

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
I still love my EVO very much after 3-4 years of use.

But I don't know WTF VXH is thinking or the direction that they are going.

They got rid of the full size HTs (to my disappointment) and now they have gotten rid of the Turbine HTs which, when I questioned the community at the time I bought mine, seemed to be an overall fav.

So, we have Hydrabombs and Honey Combs. God help you if you ever forget to put the cap on your ELB and fill the HT with ground herb. The only way to get it out is out the top (trust me on this...and I did talk to VXH about it when I did just this on the first night of use! haha...boy was I high haha).

I can see a very frustrating experience trying to get clumped up herb through a bomb or honey comb.

I love my Turbine and wish they still made it and other new offereings.


Well-Known Member
out of all the glassware for the evo what gives the biggest hits and fairly smooth say the group when I added the lynx to the hydratube what a difference kinda akward to hold though is there one glassware that will do this by itself thanks


Well-Known Member
But I don't know WTF VXH is thinking or the direction that they are going.

They got rid of the full size HTs (to my disappointment) and now they have gotten rid of the Turbine HTs which, when I questioned the community at the time I bought mine, seemed to be an overall fav.

X2 I sold my VXL EVO vape but their hydratubes were always great, love my Turbine. Disappointed when they went
to JR hydratubes!!
Now, more disappointed to hear that no more Turbine model!!
The more choices, the better.


Well-Known Member
... God help you if you ever forget to put the cap on your ELB and fill the HT with ground herb... I can see a very frustrating experience trying to get clumped up herb through a bomb or honey comb.
A month or so ago I did this and forgot to put my ELB cap on for the first time ever :science:. The join slits did a great job of stopping my coarse grind flower, only a touch got through. A hot water PBW soak made short work of it... that cleaner rocks.

I like to see more glass offerings from VapeXhale too.

out of all the glassware for the evo what gives the biggest hits and fairly smooth say the group when I added the lynx to the hydratube what a difference kinda akward to hold though is there one glassware that will do this by itself thanks
It sounds like you want a big vapor conditioning hydratube, which will be the larger volume hydratubes. Right now that Swiss Honeycomb sidecar piece at VapeXhale is the only full size hydratube available. It's sweet, you know the quality will be top notch and it will be rare. Hydrabases are also a good option... a few third party sellers iirc still have a bit of oem VapeXhale stock. Then it's off to DHgate or popular glass, etc for Chinese glass... they sell hydratubes and hydrabases that are reasonably close to the OEM full size hydratubes (and hydrabases). There are some glass options out there to meet your wants better. Good luck @readyman :tup:.

:peace: :leaf:


This Space For Rent
So I've done some research, and found a mouthpiece I'd like at another dealer. I just went back to Vapexhale and now they are out of the unit itself?

How can they run out of the only vaporizer they sell? Between this, and the statement "All orders usually ship within 5 -7 business days" is making me wonder if this company is "healthy".

I'm not trying to stir anything up, but this vape isn't inexpensive and I want to be sure about the company before spending my hard earned cash.
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Well-Known Member
So I've done some research, and found a mouthpiece I'd like at another dealer. I just went back to Vapexhale and now they are out of the unit itself?

How can they run out of the only vaporizer they sell? Between this, and the statement "All orders usually ship within 5 -7 business days" is making me wonder if this company is "healthy".

I'm not trying to stir anything up, but this vape isn't inexpensive and I want to be sure about the company before spending my hard earned cash.

I've always known them to be pretty solid, but I don't know... I see that they are also out of stock on the baskets for the EVO, just when I finally have some cash to spend on them, pretty frustrating since I have 0 baskets and the vape can't be used without them. My EVO has been sitting lonely in a drawer for like a year due to this, a tragedy I know!

...shit, this is worse than I thought! I can't seem to find baskets for EVO for sale anywhere, everyone is out of stock. Oh man!

Did they officially cancel plans for making a portable unit? Been waiting for years now and still have heard nothing.

I'm thinking about trying another plug in vape, I currently have a Plenty. How has this vape "aged" over the last 6 years, has the technology and performance kept up with the times? If anyone has the Plenty also, how do they compare? I appreciate all opinions :)

They are very different, but EVO kills the Plenty if you ask me. If you like nice thick dense hits, definitely get an EVO! I no longer use my Plenty due to the health risks associated with breathing in aluminum dust!
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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
How can they run out of the only vaporizer they sell? Between this, and the statement "All orders usually ship within 5 -7 business days" is making me wonder if this company is "healthy".

I'm not trying to stir anything up, but this vape isn't inexpensive and I want to be sure about the company before spending my hard earned cash.
My view is that being (temporarily) out of stock rarely means going out of business (I'm guessing they sold-out over the Christmas period?), but if you don't feel comfortable with it - don't do it.

. . . Or, feel the fear (when they re-up) & do it anyway! :science:

Thankfully, most of us have these kind of choices.

For me, the EVO was a gift from my wife - so I know I made the right decision ;)
I can't seem to find baskets for EVO for sale anywhere, everyone is out of stock

I've managed to find ELBs in-stock at various online retailers (although admittedly out of stock at many), here's a link to one of them . . . https://theherbcafe.com/products/vapexhale-ez-load-basket-pack

. . . and here's a link to another . . . https://www.vaporwarehouse.com/site/vapehale-evo-elb.html

I know people want updates & newy-new-newness, but I think my EVO is a timeless classic . . .

. . . I don't want a digital display or a phone app.

K.I.S.S. works well for me and so does the EVO.

More glass options, however, are always welcome and to that end, more 3rd Party HTs, please.

I mean, come on blowers, surely working all that Peak glass is getting a little mundane by now . . . ? :razz:



Well-Known Member
I've managed to find ELBs in-stock at various online retailers (although admittedly out of stock at many), here's a link to one of them . . . https://theherbcafe.com/products/vapexhale-ez-load-basket-pack

. . . and here's a link to another . . . https://www.vaporwarehouse.com/site/vapehale-evo-elb.html

I know people want updates & newy-new-newness, but I think my EVO is a timeless classic . . .

. . . I don't want a digital display or a phone app.

K.I.S.S. works well for me and so does the EVO.

Thanks for the links. I saw the ones on vaporwarehouse also, but I was unsure of that site because their images don't even load due to being plain http. Has anyone ordered from them before?
Also I wonder if anyone has had success with making their own baskets?

I'm with you, simple is best! Phone apps for vapes piss me off, just give me dials/buttons. I have a Crafty and when Apple removed the vaping apps from the store, that Crafty immediately became less useful. Would it really have been too much work to add two more little buttons on the side? Come on!
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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Thanks for the links. I saw the ones on vaporwarehouse also, but I was unsure of that site because their images don't even load due to being plain http. Has anyone ordered from them before?
You're welcome - and fyi, @VaporWarehouse are one of FC's supporting retailers (although they don't appear to have been active here for quite some time), check their thread here . . . http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/vaporwarehouse-com-quality-vaporizers-since-2002.16188 - I've not used them myself but other members certainly have so I would think you should be good.
Also I wonder if anyone has had success with making their own baskets?
I haven't personally seen any DIY attempts and while it's an interestng idea, I don't think I could warrant or afford the time to fiddle around creating home-made baskets while VXL ELBs are still available & work as well as they do. I find having enough to be able switch them between being used or soaking in an ISO bath keeps them going strong, and on and on and on . . .

However, do let us know if you come up with anything :science:



Well-Known Member
After few days of using I can fell that my VAS is heal for real.
Onesty I don't think how they can evolve more the Evo apart make it faster warm up.
It is the perfect machine for me :strong on effects and flavorful.
Own more the 20 high end vape portable and desktop and never ever tryed nothing close to the Evo.
Buying another one soon.....so Happy got rid off my volcano hybrid and got this one instead IMO!!


This Space For Rent
I'm reviewing the warranty information, and I have a few questions:

1) How many of you purchased the Platinum warranty for about half the cost of the vape itself ($150)
2) I see reference to the HydaTube, but it's not available as a spare part. I assume that it breaks if the unit is dropped?
3) If you've had to use the warranty repair service, how was your experience?



... Boom Shiva !
After few days of using I can fell that my VAS is heal for real.
Onesty I don't think how they can evolve more the Evo apart make it faster warm up.
It is the perfect machine for me :strong on effects and flavorful.
Own more the 20 high end vape portable and desktop and never ever tryed nothing close to the Evo.
Buying another one soon.....so Happy got rid off my volcano hybrid and got this one instead IMO!!

I juggle between Evo and Volcano Hybrid, my flowerpot has been under hibernation, i only tend to grab it when im low on medicine as its the efficiency king when running dry. I prefer the former two for taste and flavor especially.

I also own one Evo kept sealed in a box as a backup since i highly doubt i can live without this device particularly. Its my favorite by a long shot.


Well-Known Member
Made some experiment today!!:science::leaf:
Run 0.15 in my favorite vape (Minivap glass core)at Green and finished in red (no basket..direct load in chamber)after run the abv in the could evo at 1 position and no more extraction was possible.
Conclusion are: Minivap glass core can have more o less same extraction but is more picky in the way you pack it in order to get optimal extraction olso need more weed. the cloud Evo extract faster less picky when you load and just love vape quality (less scratchy and more enjoyable over all expired)
Anyway I enjoy both and nice to have both....just for science:clap::doh:
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New Member
Just a heads up I ended up ordering from cloudytubes.ca. A set of 5 quartz tubes. Payment went through and as of Jan3rd my order sits unfulfilled. No response to emails. Will be filing to get money back tomorrow.

I want to keep everyone updated. I filed a paypal dispute Jan 11th after numerous attempts to contact cloudytubes. I received an order update and a tracking number today. I still however have not got an reply to my emails or my Tweet. So we shall see if these get delivered or not.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Anyway I enjoy both and nice to have both....

Welcome. Welcome to the Dark Side. Welcome to the World of "Vaporizer Acquisition Syndrome" or V.A.S. Oh, sure: you're satisfied NOW....but tomorrow is just around the corner. You'll hear or see or read about the next best thing - you will have to have it. Soon you'll have a rotating collection of favorites. Don't despair. You will begin to believe it was all worth it.


Well-Known Member
The portable they were planning on releasing has already came out... the Hanu stone. Unfortunately it is a cartridge based vape. I have no idea what's going on with vapexhale these days it almost seems like they have abandoned developing new accessories for the vape. Been trying to replace a broken hydrabase for the longest time and finally lucked out this past black friday and boxing day by ordering from overseas... one from a vape store from south africa and another in the UK. Unfortunately the one from SA has not arrived yet and I really hope it hasn't gotten lost. Anyone with older hydratubes/hydrabases. cherish and protect these things with your life! because it doesn't seem like vapexhale has any plans to restock them. Very unfortunate as the evo is such a simple, reliable, and efficient vape with minimal extras to break (aside from the glassware). Really wished they would make some form of announcement or launch some new accessory. Something as simple as the connect was a game changer and is a blast to use this vape in group gatherings
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