Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
Just emailed them again, he said that it was boxed up yesterday and was sitting on the shelf to get shipped today but missed yesterdays pick up time. He said it would go out today for sure. They responded to my email in about 3 minutes. I love the device so much I keep wanting to just trust that this is all going to work out.


Well-Known Member
Just emailed them again, he said that it was boxed up yesterday and was sitting on the shelf to get shipped today but missed yesterdays pick up time. He said it would go out today for sure. They responded to my email in about 3 minutes. I love the device so much I keep wanting to just trust that this is all going to work out.
they send my replacement body in 7 working days as they stated... now I am waiting for the customs ...


Well-Known Member
Any chance that they sent it without updating my order with a tracking number?

I'm not going to speculate about probabilities here but my order (SS Hopper plus 2batts) of March 18 still shows as "unshipped" in my account but arrived in June. By mid may I asked for an approximate shipping time and they actually sent it two days after the estimated date. So the question if there was "any chance" can be answered with a bold Yes. Wouldn't really count on it though...


Well-Known Member
Like I said, someone responded to my email right away and told me that it was already boxed and would go out today. Seemed like a lot of specific information to lie about. So I'm hoping to see a tracking number soon lol.


Well-Known Member
@btka what will you tell your customs about your order? I guess you wont tell them 'this is a spare body for my vaporizer' because they might know what (kind of herbs) you are vaping with it.

I ordered a spare body as well but I wonder what I could tell them when it arrives.

My customs officers are very straight in term of a missing 'CE' sign on elektronics so I need a good story. They didn't want to give me my ordered gh2 batteries in the past because of the missing 'CE' logo on it. So I think I can't tell them 'its a spare body for my e-cigarrette' because then they want to see a 'CE' sign on it - otherwise they might refuse giving it to me.


All who wander are not lost...
For the record regarding my 2-year old Ti, I should have stated that in addition to the backend getting hot the main body does too likely from the backend. But who knows? Nevertheless, a new dry herb vape is in order before I send in my Ti for it's first service. When I first got it, the frontend threads were problematic due to material getting in there and I brush it regularly - HINT: with a dental brush - and haven't had problems since. Also the occasional ISO bath too helps. I have a Source Slim 4 for concentrates which absolutely fantastic - no complaints whatsoever and have a few different types of atomizers for different types of conc.

And speaking of which, it's that time... :)


Well-Known Member
So I bought and used blue tac on the threads, iso’ed the contacts in the inside of the body, brushed threads with strong brush that was also dipped in iso, and....same result. nice first cloud, but the abv is still green. Maybe I should just be happy with what I have
So I bought and used blue tac on the threads, iso’ed the contacts in the inside of the body, brushed threads with strong brush that was also dipped in iso, and....same result. nice first cloud, but the abv is still green. Maybe I should just be happy with what I have
Have you used the same material in another vape? I have some low grade rubbish at the moment and it vapes as you describe. I also have some better stuff which performs as expected. Sometime I get full extraction and light abv, especially with poorer stuff.


Well-Known Member
Have you used the same material in another vape? I have some low grade rubbish at the moment and it vapes as you describe. I also have some better stuff which performs as expected. Sometime I get fill extraction and light abv, especially with poorer stuff.
No but I did have nice dark abv the first few days/week so I think I know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
I smoke 3 different med kinds, same results with all 3. I didn’t smoke the same bud the first week though. And it’s very humid where I am. Still I’m not sure there should be that much of difference between buds. Who knows...I’ll just enjoy it as is. If mario says there’s a difference after he gets his body part then I’ll think of doing the same.


Well-Known Member
I know. I also saw a friend’s functioning hopper milking a bong and that looked better than mine. But after reading many people’s reviews on their own hoppers I think there are many in my situation who are using it daily. Better than RMAing it and risking getting it back in worse condition or not getting it back at all, that’s for sure
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Well-Known Member
Good luck unless things have changed significantly .... they didn’t care how much they fucked me over in the past ... it’s simple ... I can either continue to spend more and more money on shipping ($25 a shot), or I can keep my 2 lifetime warrantied paperweights ... since your only recourse is email and support tickets, and you can’t actually talk to anyone, and there is no way to escalate an issue ... you are basically 100% at their mercy to do whatever the fuck they want to you and to tell you whatever they want as they can’t be held accountable ...

Now that that rant is over .... I am still hopeful that my $350 hoppers (once you account for warranty shipping costs) will eventually work right ...

In fact the lifetime warranty , in this way of doing jobs, IT IS just a peperweight because they got to do a lot of repair and free . So it takes months , but a warranty means you get your item back and working in a reasonable time, if not I will guarantee whatever I want and send you it back after years. Ask your wife if she would wait four months for replacing the washmachine. And thats why they had this fenomenal idea : my product is indestructible , you'll be sure that it will works ever . I believe they really thought that when they created this beautiful powerful unit.. But if they start thinking about a little bit , they would concerne that : 1 it's electronic 2 with batteries 3 it has some parts coming in stock from China 4 it has a lot of different components . To be realistic , I repeat : ask me something , not too much I mean , but the right for fixing , for me would be accettable. Not right but, realistic tallking , accettable. I don't think for me GH is over for ever , but in this three months without I found very good alternatives. And it's sure over when I need to stay away somedays or holydays , I will never ever go only with it , I need one that I'm sure that works and , sorry this is not the case.


Well-Known Member
@btka what will you tell your customs about your order? I guess you wont tell them 'this is a spare body for my vaporizer' because they might know what (kind of herbs) you are vaping with it.

I ordered a spare body as well but I wonder what I could tell them when it arrives.

My customs officers are very straight in term of a missing 'CE' sign on elektronics so I need a good story. They didn't want to give me my ordered gh2 batteries in the past because of the missing 'CE' logo on it. So I think I can't tell them 'its a spare body for my e-cigarrette' because then they want to see a 'CE' sign on it - otherwise they might refuse giving it to me.
Hmmm I did not get notified until now from my customs... the only time they asked me whats in the package was when I ordered a flowerpot... they thought it has something to do with e-cigs and nicotine.. It is forbidden where I live to order from abroad e-cig realted stuff so I told them it is a aroma therapy device... and got no problems... in my opinion the name of the company newvape make them believe it is e cig related...

I do not know but if you are from europe I would not tell it is a vape (because they could get confused and think it is for vaporizing nicotine... hmmm tell them it is a aroma therapy device... or does someone have a better idea what to call it...

regarding CE maybe you can tell/show them that there are european retailers selling the gh...


Well-Known Member
I had some success recently fixing this issue with my SS Hopper ... finally ordered some long wooden q-tips and used one with 99% ISO (actually a couple) and scrubbed a bunch of black carbon from the contact in the base of the body. The first q-tip was black! And I’ve cleaned this recently with a regular q-tip the best I could more than once!

Since then it’s been working much better, Abv is better, body heat issue has gone away, and no longer goes to flashing red 80% of the way through the draw.

Thanks for this tip, I just tried it on my own Ti grasshopper and it seemed to help, which I was surprised at, as there wasn't a lot of visible dirt, hence why I hadn't tried it sooner. I have been happy with my grasshopper's performance, but the backend did get far too hot, really. This seems to have helped that a lot, and reduced the flicker significantly, and it extracted significantly faster than its already impressive previous performance. Running it on 5 is pretty fucking impressive. Let's hope it keeps performing like this :)


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thanks for this tip, I just tried it on my own Ti grasshopper and it seemed to help, which I was surprised at, as there wasn't a lot of visible dirt, hence why I hadn't tried it sooner. I have been happy with my grasshopper's performance, but the backend did get far too hot, really. This seems to have helped that a lot, and reduced the flicker significantly, and it extracted significantly faster than its already impressive previous performance. Running it on 5 is pretty fucking impressive. Let's hope it keeps performing like this :)
I think this contact point can be a weak spot ... lots of current to move through there!!


Old & In the Way
I want to inject the thread with a positive-experience story. Nothing personal, but it seems lately there's a bit of an echo chamber going on here with a handful of frequent posters. I don't mean to minimize the experiences these guys are having, but I do feel that reading the same complaint multiple times should be unnecessary -- as members we are specifically asked to avoid being redundant in our posts here.

I happen to agree that it sucks big-time to be dependent on HL these days, as everything is delayed, delayed, delayed, projections are missed, repairs take forever, emails aren't answered (in my case, all of my recent emails have been answered withing two days) but I tend to keep a very long view on the company and I'm still willing to ride out the storm. I really still think this is going to be a great long-term relationship between me and HL.

My two hoppers had a very long rest period while I was on a year-long break. One of the only good things about the break was the timing -- I largely missed the months' long re-vamp at Hopper Labs last winter, just wasn't affected because I had no needs during that time. When I did finally bust the Hoppers out a couple of months ago, one was working well but the other was showing signals of both bad back end and body; I knew it had to go to HL but also knew it could be (many?) months before I'd see it again.

Not liking the prospect of being "down to my last Grasshopper" my interest was piqued when a member posted about The Herb Cafe in Toronto having new-model Hoppers in stock, and further that they would have capability to handle warranty problems in Canada, so buyers would not necessarily have to depend on HL for service. Even though I'm in US, and intend to try to stay with HL for my service needs, the sheer fact that Herb Cafe had Hoppers in stock was enough to get met to act, since I had a vacation coming up and really wanted a backup hopper asap. So, this is the first Grasshopper (of 5) for which I'm paying full boat retail, but I rationalize that my average cost-per-hopper is still very low. The deal from The Herb Cafe, with a small discount code and free shipping policy, actually came out a few bucks less than direct purchase from HL would have been. And THC (clever name!) had them in stock.

I can report that my experience with THC was excellent in all regards. Got new Hopper in about a week, beautiful Green Ti model, and it is performing as one of the best Hoppers ever, so far. (S/N is GT0014xxx). Fast heat-up, very smooth temp dial, single clicks to 'on' after auto shut-off, and the charge blinking, after one quick red, waits about 10-15 seconds before the regular red blinking begins. I have yet to push the temp dial all the way up. It is performing at 3.5 just about the same as previous Hoppers have done at about 4.2. Fingers still crossed (always will be, I guess!), but this one looks like a keeper.
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