
Got a couple parcels through from Aliexpress earlier today and the gorgeous wooden incense stick container I bought is just barely too tight for my VapCap. It almost fits it, just the cap is too wide, although the body is a fairly tight fit too. I may be able to sand it out a little, but then the threaded section would be getting quite thin and probably fragile so I'm dubious whether it's worth it. Any of you wood experts think it's worth a try, or should I try to repurpose this beautifully carved yet currently useless item?
I know this isn't the grinder thread, but nobody looking for a real grinder is likely to buy the Darth Vader one anyway (Dank Vader? Darth Vaper?) so quick review of that. It seems very well made, except the actual grinder part.

That has mirror polished sides but the actual top and bottom of the grinder part inside appear to be cast and just left rough. The kief compartment looks machined from solid aluminium and has concentric marks, possibly from a lathe?
Useless as a grinder since everything will stick, haven't bothered testing how well it grinds.
Still worth $7 for a cool Vader figurine with a moveable head, which is why I chanced it.
I don't actually see the stand pictured shown anywhere, but it looks pretty nice imo, maybe it'll give one of you craftsmen a new concept or something.