Karma Farmer
The only function the stash has that's useful imo, is the mounted magnet. Otherwise it's just added weight and size. I can see that being handy outdoors to put your vapcap down, since you're not going to carry your launchpad around, but I'm not sure whether it's worth it.
There was a sand-blasted M stem only on UK Ebay a couple of days ago, but it's not there now. Looking around, apparently there was a limited edition from Dynavap of them in 2017.
I'm reading that it was a cock-up, because they not only sandblasted the body...they sandblasted the actual tip, which made the cap stick.
The Sandblasted Cap | Sandblasted Stainless Steel Tip | Stainless Steel CCD | Standard SS Condenser | Sandblasted M Body | 2x Condenser O-Rings | 3x High Temp O-Rings.
Dear valued customer,
We are excited to announce the creation of something very special, The Sandblasted M. Underneath it’s rugged surface is our efficient and familiar VapCap® “M”.
During the process of creating this model the Cap, Tip, and Stem have all been sandblasted to give this special limited run VapCap a more tactile look and feel.
The Sandblasted M was produced as a limited quantity test run and will be available only as supplies last. This version of the VapCap will be available to the public beginning October 13th.
That's my kitchen table... Wait. This is also my Vapcap... Have you recycled my photo?