
Well-Known Member
will take a break
will microdose with approx 0.03-0.04g per cap.
will heat the middle of the cap
will keep the dynavap vapcap
will appologize for my crazy mind

will be gone now for a while

If I were you...I would load up the chamber full...or about 80% minimum full. I get better results of being able to see the differences with the heat placement on the cap, much much better. I also get much more taste lasting through the draws this way. With a load that does not take up most all the space in the is harder to control how it vapes and tastes....(this has been my experience).

I usually fill up to 90-95%....just enough to not touch then cap when the cap is pushed on. This may help you see the differences in where you concentrate the torch on the tip. I usually (when I used a torch to heat) would point my single flame at the D and Y 0n the logo in the cap.

You don't need to use up all the load at one sitting...leave it in there and do it later. I would not worry about leaving more to do later on if you don't wait longer than a day or so. It will be sort of stale at some point pending on flower quality.

Most of not give will all of a sudden just fall into place as to how you work the vape. It seems hard and clunky to you know...but it will change the more you practice. You will be able to get much better experiences then you have so far.....much better I can guarantee. Especially if you go through water like me. I also use an arizer, so I understand where your coming from.
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Well-Known Member
I went through 7 minimal chambers now.
3 different strains

I still have to heat 7-10 sec with the single flame.
the cap is 1 inch above the blue flame.
rotating and aiming for "the lower middle".

2 draws through the bubbler and i am affraid to do a third one.
after 2 draws my avb looks nearly like ground coffee.
never ever have i had such dry avb.
you can feel "how sucked out" it is.

the vapor is not tasty.
but it is so thick almost yellowish.

i must have combusted.
i collected my avb and looked at it.
it looks rather on the dark side.
a very dark side.

but its fun to use.
sadly I went extra cheap... my lighter is crapping out in omnyl 2h.

something is strange.
I wanted to take a picture of the Vapcap AVb vs my collected AVB from "solo,mighty,hopper".
Lighting was difficult. will try in daylight tomorrow.

the idea to revape some avb (from the "solo,mighty,hopper - jar")
a fullcap maximal chamber size.

had to click 30 times for my cheapish lighter to give a torch flame.
voilà, 10-12 seconds until click, ultra respected, and through the bubbler.

again, vapor, that must be smoke.
that cant be vapor.
it's sick it almost has physical weight in your mouth.
you know what i mean.
thick and heavy are the only words that cross my mind.
like heavier, stronger body.
a sensation cigarette smokers know.
it's something cloudy, thick, yellowish in your respatory system.
you can feel it.
it has some kind of pressure.

the vapcap is like that.

I must have combusted.
it comes to the edge of disgust.

And that from AVB?
what's with this device.
can it make smoke vapor out of everything?
its stupid amazing.

that is the closest vaping brings you to smoking and vice versa.

i am still suspicious :ninja:

must be smoke must be smoke
this is not vaping
must be smoke


If you actually combust, as in heat to the point of ignition, you will know instantly. The expanding combustion gasses will escape the cap; you will see and smell this immediately, there will be no mistaking it.

The herb in the tip can be heated to scorching/charring, just before ignition. I believe this is where you are, and THAT is the fine, fine line with the VC that needs to be learned through feel and practice.

When using with a water pipe, my ABV is the colour of roasted coffee, but after the second heat cycle. The first heat cycle leaves it the colour of toast crumbs.

I will also mention that in my experience with M and Omni, the less material you load in the tip, the easier it is to combust, and so that fine line becomes as thin as frog hair if you are not particularly careful.

There is much discussion about the perfect way to heat the cap, but in my experience, charring or combustion can be avoided best by heating the device slowly; hold the cap so it just touches the end of the soft part of the flame, rather than the sharp bright blue part. With my 3 flame torch it takes almost 10 seconds to click.

Unless you are extraordinarily sensitive to THC, or don't intend to extract the entire load in one sitting, I wouldn't worry about having a first, lower temp heat cycle, followed by a subsequent higher temp cycle. I also use cannabis with high CBD content, so I can relate.

That first lower temp heat cycle is where the pure flavour of the material is brought to light, while the next will taste more 'cooked', and I find a third cycle to taste unpleasant (though useful to extract whatever converted CBN may be available, if strong sedation is desirable for you.)


Staff member
Valve wide open, not carbed?
My valve is set to about 75% closed. I find that is the sweet spot for me.

@Stu, which generation of Ti tip is that?

It would be interesting to see a chart of the Gen 4 7-fin Ti tip compared to the Gen 5 5-fin Ti tip if you have access to both...
I only have a 7-fin Ti tip. If someone wants to visit the lab with different gen tips to test, I'll buy the nachos and beer.



Lonesome Planet
They are both @VapCap tips. So, they are mythical. Right?

The spiral grooves are a bit deeper in the 4th Gen, permitting less restrictive airflow.

If @VapCap is making a new gen of VC tips, I bet it would be like the Gen 4 tips, given the
Hoorah! for them—with perhaps deeper/wider grooves. :tup:

Groove-V? :evil: Or Grooove VI it
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Putin is a War Criminal
A 5-fin Tip its on the way to me. Is there a difference in performance, in compare to the 7-fin tip? Or it's just the optic and weight?
I am looking forward to seeing an evaluation from @Stu on how much of a difference there is. I have both now with the addition of my Omni but I don't have enough experience with the five fin to have an opinion.
While I see some singeing in there, this is NOT ash. I think you are seeing REALLY GOOD EXTRACTION that looks like combustion but is not. Smoke stinks and will overwhelm a room with odor. Vaping is certainly noticeable, but doesn't really take over a room the way smoke does. And smoke lingers in the air much longer than vapor. That is another way to tell.

I actually (shame on me) stepped into an adjoining room on Turkey day and took 2 good vape hits from a VC (woody) and no one noticed. (Other than maybe I was in a better mood...)


My friends call me "Menz"
A few days back I posted here that my first DV (an Omni with a nanovong body) came with the wrong body. DV responded, and sent me a correct body, and allowed me to maintain the wrong stem! I also got some personal attention from George - thanks very much! While I verbalized my disappointment here, I'm in love with this tool and have been using it daily since I received it. I've had a few sessions with others and they are now interested too.

Thanks again Dynavap! :love: :rockon: :clap:

that is almost my exact same experience, all except my package was supposed to be here Friday got lost and hopefully will be here on Monday


Well-Known Member
Cool, I remember some poll that appeared somewhat prejudiced against Vapcap.
I do not remember the details, is this that poll?

I think that there was some initial surprise that a relatively new manual vape was preferred over battery/electrical driven vapes being sold for several times the cost of a Vapcap.

I understand. After two years with my Vapcaps I'm still astonished by these tiny efficient beauties. Today we were out hiking through the woods hunting for a Xmas tree. The weather was great, a perfect day to be surrounded by nature and the highlight of the day was the Vapcap. Two of us had our Vapcaps with us and we just totally WOWed the rest of the group with the flavor hits and effects. We loaded and heated the Vapcaps for our friends. No sessions. No teaching except to pulse the air intake. Just experience. Each person had a load to spend on their own. It's always just a bit amazing how great these seemingly simple vaporizers are. It's like magic.

Are there any VC owners other than me who have never combusted?
I've never combusted in two years. Came close once when I was vaping overly dry bud and another time when heating outside on a very windy day. As I say came close with very dark ABV, but didn't actually combust.


Well-Blown member
Dynavap never ceases to amaze me. I was being a typical kid in the candy store when the black Friday sale started. Ordered at 12:02ish grabbed a xl stash. Received my package with a nice surprise inside. A note saying I was the 5th order and a free shiny new M. The early bird gets..high.. thanks dynavap team!


Well-Known Member
I think that there was some initial surprise that a relatively new manual vape was preferred over battery/electrical driven vapes being sold for several times the cost of a Vapcap.

I understand. After two years with my Vapcaps I'm still astonished by these tiny efficient beauties. Today we were out hiking through the woods hunting for a Xmas tree. The weather was great, a perfect day to be surrounded by nature and the highlight of the day was the Vapcap. Two of us had our Vapcaps with us and we just totally WOWed the rest of the group with the flavor hits and effects. We loaded and heated the Vapcaps for our friends. No sessions. No teaching except to pulse the air intake. Just experience. Each person had a load to spend on their own. It's always just a bit amazing how great these seemingly simple vaporizers are. It's like magic.

I've never combusted in two years. Came close once when I was vaping overly dry bud and another time when heating outside on a very windy day. As I say came close with very dark ABV, but didn't actually combust.

I've only combusted once since about August (july?) when I got my first M. But I gotta say charing a load ain't much better. I clean my whole vape before I try it again after a hot load. And I have a cap, that I retired, that just does have a loud click on the heat cycle, at times you cant hear any click, although for whatever reason the cooling click is audible.

Oh and then there's the torches. I have two triples, two doubles, a single and the induction heater. They all heat differently. And I have an omni and some M's, and they act differently. Then theres the type and condition of the herb.

My point is all those variables, along with wind, ambient temps and so on means there is a considerable learning curve. There will be rough patches and maybe frustration, but when it all comes together its fantastic.


Well-Known Member
I've only combusted once since about August (july?) when I got my first M. But I gotta say charing a load ain't much better. I clean my whole vape before I try it again after a hot load. And I have a cap, that I retired, that just does have a loud click on the heat cycle, at times you cant hear any click, although for whatever reason the cooling click is audible.

Oh and then there's the torches. I have two triples, two doubles, a single and the induction heater. They all heat differently. And I have an omni and some M's, and they act differently. Then theres the type and condition of the herb.

My point is all those variables, along with wind, ambient temps and so on means there is a considerable learning curve. There will be rough patches and maybe frustration, but when it all comes together its fantastic.
Combustion while micro dosing with the Omni xl in a one third screen position is easy if you reheat before the cool down click.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to let the M cool down last night before reapplying heat, and mid draw vapor turned to nasty smoke and I could absolutely tell as it was happening.

Combustion while micro dosing with the Omni xl in a one third screen position is easy if you reheat before the cool down click.

^^THIS^^ Respect the cool-down click just as much as the heat-up click(s) :peace:


Well-Known Member
:uhoh: Travel enforced five day T-break begins tomorrow (count 'em - 5 days!). Normally I wouldn't mind but this will be a pretty intense, family thing :freak: - could really use a night-time wind down vaping session :(. I'm beginning to appreciate the concept of "Staycations" :D
EDIT: there'll probably be offers of scuzzy hash n' tobacco rolled J's and people will think I'm a dickhead for refusing their kind offers, but that would probably make me pass out or vomit. Or both....
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Well-Known Member
NOOB QUESTION: does the OmniVap XL require o-rings of any for anything? My guess is that it doesn't, but I'm not sure...

:uhoh: Travel enforced five day T-break begins tomorrow (count 'em - 5 days!). Normally I wouldn't mind but this will be a pretty intense, family thing :freak: - could really use a night-time wind down vaping session :(. I'm beginning to appreciate the concept of "Staycations" :D

Good luck! Breaking from time to time is good and necessary, imo!
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Lonesome Planet
. “taking a break. I now what that means.
But was does the T stand for in "t-break" ?
Is it some kind of slang or are you meant to drink tea while not vaping :D ?

. will be gone now for a while“

T-break, hand gesture (forming a T), to signal “T”-ime out => “T”-break

You said, you were taking a G-break? Gimme a brake :zzz:

Enjoy your VapCap, @Mr.Sifter. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I am not enjoying it.
because I am not using it.

I tried to find information about wether one can change the SS tip of a M with a ti tip.
thats all

I bought Ti tips for my 'M's in the parts section. KIM that the Ti's use different rings and you might need those replacement rings down the road. Gotta love how modular they are.

and? do they work on the M ?


Well-Known Member
Good luck! Breaking from time to time is good and necessary, imo!
Agreed, and I do it from time to time.....but a relaxed, chilled-out vaping session helps ease family holiday tensions and enhances new experiences while travelling. For example, a canal boat ride in Amsterdam while sipping on my OG was awesome.... whereas trudging the rainy streets of Birmingham UK in October 100% straight was.....less so :uhoh: And I don't drink :(
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