VapeLife X
I don't use the spinning MP that much...it lives on my SBM most of the time.The problem is for users like me with the spinning mp there are 3 rings and to put the VC together correctly you have to assemble the MP and the three o-rings in place before you insert it into the body. So the mp has to be on the condenser before putting it in the body. There is no straw/pen that will fit around the MP. I don't see it possible to put the condenser and first o-ring in place into the body then put the last 2 o-rings and mp on last. If you can I would love to see a video of you doing it for reference
you are correct...its hard to do the spinning mouthpiece that way... @Mr.Sifter does not have a spinning MP if i read his post correctly.
so...now i have a question about the assembly

my mouthpiece doesn't fluidly spin.
it is a bit stiff...any solutions?
i lubricated the condenser tube and all orings.
when i took the wood MP off the condenser...there was a bit of debris on the grove closest to the bottom Oring...and i think the debris were wood shavings from the MP scratching against the condenser.
i remeber the spinning MP working before