Never occurred to me to do this. I'm so glad that all the clever people around here share their practices! This is a brilliant way for me to justify needing more tips & caps and maybe a double-crown stem
It was part of my plan once I got comfortable changing out tips.

Plus I have a glass socket that is great for this type of setup. Less fuss and mess and a few other reasons. Some FCers knew I'd have my bean on it beforehand.
2 'M's with back up screens and rings and extras, then Ti's next sale. And finding glass that seems to work.

Haven't even got into the area of wood or dynastashes yet.
@pxl_jockey you might want to do the math beforehand, if you plan on getting stems and the now justified tips and caps. It may or may not be economical, necessarily.

You might want to say spend $20 more and get full vaporizer. Which had the stem and the rings to keep it in place. Some buyers ended up shorting themselves in buying from the parts section and not looking at the price equivalent in the make your own VC section. As one example.
Oh who am I kidding, Your mind is already made up.

See you at the next sale.