Discontinued The Grasshopper

Mr K

The grasshopper is fairly efficient yes. I still conserve more when using my vapcap or underdog vapes, but the grasshopper does pretty good. I have never used a firefly so I wouldn't be good for comparing the two.

If you're looking to buy in the US then I believe grasshopper direct
Is the only avenue for purchase.

Thanks for that info. Never heard of the vapcap or underdog, did I quick search and those are what I may need. I'm so used to smoking bowls, just a couple small hits at a time. I'm having a hard time with vaporizers mimicking this. Biggest problem is I'm using 3X's more vaping than combusting. This is a problem, I'm not a millionaire. My most important issues are vapor taste and efficiency. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
@CarolKing the silicon mouthpiece is not included?

I got it with but I am pre-order

As of July 1st will not be included

I know someone on here used a plastic mouthpiece that he got from going to a vape shop and trying out different flavors. It was pretty ergonomical and much thinner that the stock mouthpiece. You may want to look into it.
@virtualpurple The PFE is worth it in my opinion. It allows more airflow and feels easier to draw and get a nice big hit. It does get hot however I always wait a bit before I take a hit since the GH is pretty potent for me.

I have the PFE ha only way can use it. Well iv hit it on 4 with nothing yea it's hot not too crazy
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Well-Known Member
As of July 1st will not be included

I know a lot of people consider the silicon mouthpiece essential, but I never use it. Ensuring I don't have your lips right on the tip is enough for me, cool-wise, with the original mouthpiece. I have the Ti, which cools quicker, and for me, it's fast enough. The PFE does retain heat long enough that long draws close together can result in it getting uncomfortably close, but not the original mouthpiece. And even that is just a case of waiting an extra 10 seconds for the PFE to cool down.

I'm happy to pay for reasonably expensive extras like the PFE, as all the free repairs must be hurting Hopper Labs, and I'm keen for them to stay successful and viable for the long term, and continuing to make an ever more refined and reliable product.


The grasshopper seems to be a very efficient vaporizing for conserving weed. This is one reason I like the Firefly2. Is this true? And where do you buy the hopper, only place I saw was directly from hopper.

IMHO I feel the Sticky Brick Junior has been most efficient for me. The AVB comes out pretty dry and crispy but still not too dark. Here is a review of it...



Oldest boy alive
As of July 1st will not be included

How expensive can it be for them to include it??.
Find it bit shitty and makes me just feel like they are not doing so good financially.
Or trying to push more of the new mouth pieces, personally I feel like the silicon mouth piece is very useful and use it often.


Well-Known Member
How expensive can it be for them to include it??.
Find it bit shitty and makes me just feel like they are not doing so good financially.
Or trying to push more of the new mouth pieces, personally I feel like the silicon mouth piece is very useful and use it often.

Def cause if you don't get the PFE you're fucked cause ya never be able to use it normal about temp 3.5


Well-Known Member
As of July 1st will not be included

Hi, do you have a reference for that or was this in their response to your individual inquiry.

I ask because I have not seen any public announcement about this (but I may well have missed it).

Sad if you think about it. The condom was to compensate for a design flaw (frakin hot MP) and while the design flaw remains, they are now not shipping its band-aid.

That just ain't right...especially for a very small cost item like that.


Calm Consistency
My grasshopper combusted a little bit last night. This grasshopper has been alive for about over a year without warranty. I'm not turning her over yet. My herb was dry and very fine and maybe some hit the heater who knows.

So far so good otherwise. I'll see how tonight goes on temp 5. Wish me luck. Wouldn't care at all if I had to send it in .. would love a brand new updated Hopper! Not worried it would break .. my ritual held this one up long enough and I'm confident I could keep another alive :science:


Oldest boy alive
Def cause if you don't get the PFE you're fucked cause ya never be able to use it normal about temp 3.5
weird because I can hit mine natively on 4.5 and it normally stays on that setting

In the year and half of hopper use I barely touch anything under 4

For big clouds I use a foldable metal pipe with silicon mouthpiece to get a good seal

Dont think I ever get the "PFE" because don't want my hopper to mate with a water piece and die from blowback of hot air

I got other vapes better suited for that kind of abuse


Well-Known Member
Hi, do you have a reference for that or was this in their response to your individual inquiry.

I ask because I have not seen any public announcement about this (but I may well have missed it).

Sad if you think about it. The condom was to compensate for a design flaw (frakin hot MP) and while the design flaw remains, they are now not shipping its band-aid.

That just ain't right...especially for a very small cost item like that.

"Does the Grasshopper include a Silicone Mouthpiece?
We have discontinued the inclusion of the Silicone Mouthpiece with the purchase of a Grasshopper Vaporizer. For those looking to extend your session or share your Grasshopper with friends, we recommend checking out the Performance Front-end. These extras are available in the accessories section of the store (https://www.grasshoppervape.com/information/faq/)

the silicone mp is also currently unavaiable https://www.grasshoppervape.com/store/product/silicon-mouthpiece/

also I have seen now a disclaimer on the ghl homepage that a price bump for all vapes is coming sept 1st

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member
I also never use the silicone mouthpiece and I can use it at all the heat settings. I think it's like @CarolKing said, maybe some are just sensitive to heat. It could also be user error for some however not FC members cause we know what we're doing. :peace:

I don’t think I’m that sensitive to heat; I prefer my coffee and soup very hot. If I held my hot mouthpiece or PFE to my skin, it would leave a welt.


Well-Known Member
I also never use the silicone mouthpiece and I can use it at all the heat settings. I think it's like @CarolKing said, maybe some are just sensitive to heat. It could also be user error for some however not FC members cause we know what we're doing. :peace:

It's also true to some extent that different grasshoppers run at different temperatures. If you recall a few months ago HL mentioned that they had created a new testing and calibration machine to ensure more consistent temperature calibration going forward. That and the different properties of stainless steel vs titanium probably explains the difference in peoples' experiences (as well as differences in lip placement, and what people find comfortable, obviously).


Vaped Out
After 3-4 hits, turning it off between hits (but only for a couple seconds).
I can see how that could hurt. The GH does get really hot with back to back hits with minimal down time. Have you tried cooling it down between hits to avoid burning your lips? For example, palming it to transfer the heat away from the GH?
It's also true to some extent that different grasshoppers run at different temperatures. If you recall a few months ago HL mentioned that they had created a new testing and calibration machine to ensure more consistent temperature calibration going forward. That and the different properties of stainless steel vs titanium probably explains the difference in peoples' experiences (as well as differences in lip placement, and what people find comfortable, obviously).
Interesting, I have a SS and a Ti and the only difference is that the temperature marks on both GH's work differently in each. For example, I can start my Ti at one and produce visible vapor after all herb gets dry--so not on the first hit. On my SS i have to start at the third setting. Although, I feel they work the same and the only difference is that the SS retains more heat so I have to cool it down a bit more that the Ti.
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Oldest boy alive
One of my battery makes my hoppers body heat up more then others, if I use it on 5 with long draws without shutting off between pulls the hopper gets scolding hot.

Not even the battery that gives the best session, that is the one marked "AAA"


Well-Known Member
The recent discussion on battery life which I don't get nearly as much of, and the talk of a possible new heater are making me consider sending in my GH when my FW4 comes back. I was thinking of taking the GH on my trip mid September, but a single 18650 USB charger and two batteries will last longer than the GH with 3 and its charger, so I might as well take advantage if I'm going to. I hope that RMA quality continues to improve. My GH got me 2-ish bowls with a brand new B2. Usually 7 good hits and one underpowered one of about 15 seconds length plus 5 seconds with the heater off unless the load is done.


New Member
Hey lads, got my GH back from the fix.
I forgot how fukkin skits this thing is, massive hits from the bong over the weekend. Hopefully this one lasts.

How does everyone mark their batteries and where? I have a bunch of paint markers, alcohol based markers, actual paint, but i feel like marking the batteries as they heat up in the GH might release paint fumes?

I find the silicone mount piece a bit gross. I dont really like it but use it sometimes.

Oh does anyone vape other dry herbs? Any good combos, anything that fucking sucks? We have mint growing wild everywhere so i was gonna try some of that. I tried Damiana but didnt like the taste


Well-Known Member
"Does the Grasshopper include a Silicone Mouthpiece?
We have discontinued the inclusion of the Silicone Mouthpiece with the purchase of a Grasshopper Vaporizer. For those looking to extend your session or share your Grasshopper with friends, we recommend checking out the Performance Front-end. These extras are available in the accessories section of the store (https://www.grasshoppervape.com/information/faq/)

the silicone mp is also currently unavaiable https://www.grasshoppervape.com/store/product/silicon-mouthpiece/

also I have seen now a disclaimer on the ghl homepage that a price bump for all vapes is coming sept 1st
Thanks, I looked around, even in FAQ, but didn't see that.

I did see that they were sold out.

I don't agree with their decision for the reasons stated in my earlier post, to wit: the condom was compensation for design flaw that's still there. Its a low cost item and, IMO, very stupid of them. Falls into the penny wise, pound foolish category for me and this move does not enhance the company in my view.

I like the product I have (it is still working with no RMAs) but continue to see shortfalls in how the company operates.

The tapered bit on the mp does get hot, if you move it further into your mouth so your lips are on the fat bit then there is less heat transfer.
Yeah, I get it....without a condom I need to deep throat my vape in order to use it native. Personally, I find the condom to be a better solution.
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