Backwoods Rated
Got my shipping notification email for the Omnivap and for the cooljarz.com order!!
The wait begins

The wait begins

Just wanted to say that you @Summer are utterly helpful! And your posts are so interesting... So from my very heart, thanks for all that!![]()
And best of all, the questions you ask are mine too so I don't have to.![]()
Got my shipping notification email for the Omnivap and for the cooljarz.com order!!
The wait begins![]()
I haven't used an OG since I broke the first one and bought an Omni along with a replacement OG that I've taken on holiday with me. Dunno if it's the bigger load, the Amsterdam weed, the Coffeeshop vibes but that thing hits like a trainGLASS is so fragile but, I luv my OG butter fingers me
Omni is just amazing in every aspect but truth is it gets a little hot after two or three consecutive hits.
Don't know how I haven't thought about this earlier but better late than never!
Omni is just amazing in every aspect but truth is it gets a little hot after two or three consecutive hits. Not scorching hot but uncomfortable, for me at least. I used the included glass body when at home that didn't conduct heat as much but I sat on it one day and way it goes!
Since I learned this technique I have done this with many things and it adds functionality and looks and in this case solved my little problem and has a very unique and pleasant feel to the touch. As it adds some bulk it's easier to spin too!I used some ready made natural thin cordage for this mod... Just thick enough to fit the DS!
PS: This new quadruple Cohiba torch from Vaposhop is really good as well! Light trigger, built like a tank, small and elegant. Waiting for my flint cylinder singles as well from China!At last some elegance and no more plastic!
AwesomeI had fun making this one...
Can someone point me to info regarding modifying/grinding out the 3 notches in the tip end. Since I use my vapcap through water mainly, my carb is closed off and I am not getting enough airflow to get a good convection going. I thought I read about this but cant seem to find it.
Freaking combusted the other day and almost puked because my load was somewhat wet and gave me an uneven heating process when using it.
Going to have a play with fine grind for some fun but I think it's probably going to be too much effort for daily use. Fun to mix things up every now and then though and the VapCap responds really well to switching things up, it's easily the most versatile device I've come across.
It's awesome when you get it dialed in.![]()
I'm on my way to pick up a small. Should I make it a medium?
Lets see, how to get back on topic...
Dynavap reminds me of a pizza place because you get to customize your VC however you want it. Bodies or stems, MP or no, metal or wood, regular or XL.
Just no sausage or cheese...
Sounds like you're definitely in right part of flame. When I use a triple jet in triangle config (instead of jets being inline) I find best heating with 2 jets hitting out towards end of cap, and 3rd jet lined up dead center and away from end of cap. Very simple diagram with blue dots as jets.
I don't load by inhaling through my stem, I scoop into grinder and then place a finger over the end and twist to remove any loose particles. It's just the way that works for me, totally a subjective matter.
Okay Silly! Then just go HERE.![]()
I like that. Same hereJust no sausage or cheese...
But, Greenhopper, I didn't drop the cap as low/deep into the lighter blue region as you, rather I dropped it, from just above the lighter blue area, into the outer extreme of the lighter blue. I roll on the slower side so if the intensity is farther away I'm assured not to roast.
And I even used your technique for packing the tip...
... & this worked really well. Depending on moisture content, my grinder will grind differently (I guess everybody's does too.) so this was moist & the grind overall coarse.
I think we need a new acronymn, GH.How 'bout LBR for lighter blue region?
OK, OK, I'm done with the acronyms.
So the Omnivap gets hot as well?
As hot as the M?
It gets pretty hot after a few bowls back to back... Not that big of a deal for me but i was hoping this statement was true LOL
"The OmniVap's Titanium body and mouthpiece are designed to never get hot, even during a long session."
I like that. Same here.
I've been using the M mostly when it's almost time for bed and I've been blown away by it. I know I've mentioned it on here before but wow does it hit hard. I once again thought I combusted and took a look inside the bowl. It was just toasty and almost all done with just one hit. The hit felt as if I was smoking since the vapor was so dense. Only thing I'm not liking is having to buy butane.
So........since it seems I'm using my DV products 9/10 times I may get a concentrate/for the road M.
The dynastash.......how much did it improve your experience. Much of my vaping will be on the go and not at home besides nights and weekends from September till April.