Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Thanks for your detailed report.sorry so long!
My warranty experience(s) have been different than yours. The Good: My SS GH got a VERY hot back end and Hopper sent me a new back end quickly. After receipt I sent my old back end back to them. The bad: The new back end gets similarly hot and they requested that I send the entire unit back to them. The good: They responded quickly after receiving my unit and explained that they could not duplicate the problem. I asked them to allow the battery to partially drain and re-test. The bad: 6 days later...I got a notice that they are returning my unit. I inquired as to what repairs had been completed. Hopper responded, "As previously stated, your Hopper tested to operate in the acceptable heat range. I tried retesting the unit multiple times with a nearly drained battery but was unable to recreate the excessively hot Back End. Nothing was replaced on your device. Play around with it a bit when you receive it and try placing your hands on the middle section of the device if you feel the Back End is getting too hot. I apologize that I was not able to replace your Back End, but the heat was well within the acceptable range. "
Secondarily, I never posted this prior....but my new Ti arrived with a misshapen back end. The battery compartment was perfectly round, however, the back end which screws into the compartment was oblong....thus left a sharp gap when screwed on. Prior to my first use of the Ti I had to file a warranty claim. I wasn't expecting an apology from HL and I got none. HL replaced the back end and returned the unit to me promptly. It was an inconvenience, however, in terms of warranty service it was reasonably quick.
I cannot really complain about their service. Hopper received my unit(s) and responded reasonably quickly. I think 6 days to not do anything with my SS unit is a bit excessive, but I'd expect that Hopper wishes to deter owners from sending their units in for service continually for issues that Hopper Labs feels are 'non-issues'. Additionally, HL is no doubt a busy place. Beware...don't send your unit in unless it is faulty.
This brings me to the point of my post: I love my Grasshoppers (I have both SS and Ti units...primarily to have a backup). Currently my Ti back end is not getting hot, however, at times it does indeed get very hot. My SS consistently gets VERY hot (despite Hopper Labs findings) and heats up like a coil the moment the on button is depressed. You can feel the back end get hot MUCH faster than you can feel the heater unit (mid/front section). Despite this fact, HL found it to be "within the acceptable heat range". I'd think that most of us find no reason for the rear end of this vaporizer to produce any heat whatsoever. When our back ends produce times seemingly excessive is startling and seems possibly a potential safety issue. I'm frankly surprised that the negative end of my battery hasn't melted inside the unit! Clearly hot back ends are "normal" within "acceptable ranges". Perhaps if Hopper Labs could provide some (even rudimentary) explanation(s) relating to 'common issues' relating to their product, many (if not most) of us could be subdued...and thus eliminate the (seemingly) excessive and potentially unnecessary warranty claims. Clearly some Hoppers are simply failing completely, however, Hopper Labs must be getting an awful lot of hot back end (and other apparently unnecessary 'within tolerances' warranty claims which surely do not help them with their backlog issues or customer retention issues.
I reiterate....I love love love my Hopper(s). I HIGHLY recommend the product. So much in fact that if I were a Shark Tank host...I'd gamble a LOT of money on this game changing product. Before I committed my hard earned money, however, I would be certain that Hopper Labs employ a business and marketing professional to better facilitate and handle the business, marketing, consumer knowledge base & information, and public relations side of their organization. Once they have the right person handling their business is the limit. This product (imo) so exceeds the PAX and similar HIGHLY successful is like comparing an AMC Gremlin to a Ferrari Testarossa. Quite simply, if some of our issues are in fact "within tolerances", please let us know what to expect and what tolerances are acceptable. This would reduce consumer frustration and warranty claims...and increase production. Communication is key.
Please ask them to define their acceptable backend temp range. If they would drop numbers, that could help everyone.
Love and peace