Thanks for the replies. I was afraid of that. Part of me is wondering if I should change my Ti order to a colored one but I really didn't want to deal with the scratching/degradation of the finish.
I'm still wondering why, on a Ti of any color, the clip ring is SS.
I do like the look and feel of the plain Ti, except for the look of the clip ring. On plain Ti the difference is not overwhelming, but the difference is how I can tell them apart when the two are side by side. The SS is a homogeneous, sleeker look, imo.
And any time I see photo of colored Ti I wonder, why is it 2-tone?
sorry, not for
@moondog ,
About Backends
On my two, backend heat issues are very different and I'll have to get a warranty request going soon. The Ti backend stays cool until heat is conducted to it via rest of the body. The SS backend does that behavior and: when heater is cycling the backend gets very hot, let go! it may be burning type hot. This heat comes on extremely quickly, to the point that I'm thinking I may have gotten a mild shock, but no, just heat. Then, the backend heat dissipates almost as quickly as it came on. I have made no particular study of battery life between the two hoppers, they each seem to yield a couple/few bowls.
Magnetism (?)
One other stray thought about Back Ends. Does anyone else notice how much magnetism is going on around the backend? Nothing to do with charger, I have almost never used the factory charger (not once with SS hopper).
When I unscrew the backend, it can just about pull the battery out via magnetic force. The backend is also very attracted to the end of the hopper body.
I can not help but think that these kinds of forces might wreak havoc with delicate electronics, and I also wonder about the interplay of this field with the usb charger.
Am I way out in left field here with all of this? (Just noticed, but no pun intended!)