I assure you I wasn't laughing
at your speculation; just near it.
You've made good points that certainly we all can agree on; a mediocre safe battery is way better than a powerhouse that can blow your nose off. And $7 isn't a bad deal, even at 10 batteries per year.
5.5 chambers! Full chambers!? Is that the case with any of your batteries? It's Friday, so there's no reason you can't bake out to determine this very important detail
The most I've been able to achieve seems to be 3 chambers with decent depletion of material, using a "full" chamber of about 00.8g fluff - and lately seemingly very nice output. And I know I've said it before but even
I keep forgetting, but... unless the herb is utterly dry, it doesn't satisfy my cloud expectations. If I spread a fresh grind out and leave it overnight (or longer), it seems to be the best way to enjoy my hopper.
Haha, either or is fine with me

On the batteries, judgements aside, I guess their tested capacity is disappointing (a very common trait for any battery esp. mixed bin lots), but the fact that you can still get multiple high quality vapour hits off even the worst ones at something like 500mAh, is a good sign for the future potential of the hoppers tech.
Anyway, in order to get 5.5 chambers, I was using a big
seed of life tube, massive fast hits for as long as possible.
3 of the chambers I spent in a single hit. There would have been a tiny bit of vapour left in it potentially, but it would have tasted below-par and would have been super whispy (I was toking long enough to outlast the hyper-density production from the hopper). The AVB was dark, but not as dark as it could have been (which can be near black). I have a shit load of bud atm, so I don't bother cooking to that level unless I'm using a nice strain from my smaller stash.
The bud I was using at the time isn't A+ quality, the battery I was using was possibly newer than my others.
I feel like not all of my batteries could perform this well, but I'll work through them trying.
I don't have scales, I would imagine I was using a fair amount less than 0.8g per chamber, I would have ground up at max 2g but who knows, it filled my grinder. I just brim the hopper without compacting when loading.
I cleaned up the EQ today, first time using it in a while. It sucks compared to the GH. The flavour is incomparable, the EQ is almost tasteless relatively. The production of vapour from the GH at 170°C(T3) is much more impressive than my DDave'd EQ at 222°C! With the hopper at 210°C it is on a completely different level. The fact it is portable at all is simply awesome.
I'm not going to film me cooking a bunch of chambers haha, but here's my new
instagram with some hopper pics. Shows the SoL in action, just imagine that times 5 with a real quick .5 to follow.