Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

Acolyte of Zinglon

oh wow, i spent today reading this thred.... im fucking sold, i was planning on getting the vaporstar as my first vape, but instead (if i can scrape up enough money) im going to buy a pd

i admitted earlier that i was probably dismissing the pd out of hand (which i definately was) and that i might suddenly take a shine to it (which i did today)...
i was so wrong... can you ever forgive me? *puppy eyes*
i honestly have no idea why my mind works the way it does, this whole revelation was actually brought on by an email convo with tom about the longbows, and suddenly the pd made sense to me without it even being mentioned, and i set off to assimilate all the knowledge these boards have on it

one of the major things is that tom has awesome vibes and really does care about his audience beyond the salesman angle

i read through the whole thread, and unlike the other two electric units, i cant really find any holes to poke, this thing is really solid
i think earlier i was just waving it off because the design is really simple, but i was so wrong... and everything said in this thread just makes such great sense (i especially liked the risque metaphors, i was thinking of names before i even got to vtacs name post and they were all female names)

i bet im probably the last person anyone expects to be making this post, but ive seen the light... the shiney, purpple light!! (expect an order mid to late november, assuming i have enough left over, otherwise expect the order late december to early january)
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Well I love vaping, have quit smoking, and went ahead and ordered myself a Vapor Genie.
But I do seem to have a problem with my Purple Days. The vapor tube seems much too loose. I thought this to be normal but after some experimenting I've found that I get much hotter and thicker vapor when I wrap my hand around the top to try and seal off the extra air flow. Now my vaping has become a two handed effort. :/
Has anyone else had this problem?

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Not here, Costanza...all of my tubes fit perfectly. Almost every piece is handmade...including those vapor tubes. Therefore it's quite possible that it's simply a case of being machined too loose or what have you. Have you tried all three tubes supplied with your PD? If all of the tubes are loose, perhaps it's something to do with the SS cap on the PD itself, rather than the vapor tubes?

If switching tubes doesn't change anything, I'd take your complaint to Tom...either give him some time to answer on here or drop him an e-mail or something. Good dude and a patient, accommodating fellow to boot...I'm sure he has to be with the amount of e-mails I sent to him and Pammy prior to buying my PD!! :lol: I'm sure he'll do whatever he can to help you out. ;)
partially veiled,


lurking kiwi
I've used all three tubes ... experimented and found one I liked more than the other 2 but really they all work perfectly fine.

I've found that I get much hotter and thicker vapor when I wrap my hand around the top to try and seal off the extra air flow
:uhoh: do you mean where the tube mates to the heat exchanger :o its rather hot down there!


Out to lunch
this whole revelation was actually brought on by an email convo with tom about the longbows, and suddenly the pd made sense to me without it even being mentioned
It's a sneaky virus that Tom has introduced to the forum. His seemingly off topic posts actually have little hidden messages that worm their way into our brains, telling us we have to own the PD, no matter what vape we already own (or how many :rolleyes:).
one of the major things is that tom has awesome vibes and really does care about his audience beyond the salesman angle
That's part of his insidious plot. :uhoh:

Costanza said:
The vapor tube seems much too loose.
It has to be loose. If it fit in the top of the exchanger really tight you'd get insufficient airflow. Most of the time I don't even wrap my lips around the tube when I take a hit, and that allows a more 'deep breath' type of hit. I still get plenty of vapor. Have you tried varying the strength of your hits? I can't remember if you said anything about your prior vaping experience, if any, but I can tell you the most common mistake for new vaporists is hitting too hard.


Well-Known Member
Hi Costanza,

The vapor tubes will be slightly loose when mated to the heat exchanger. Heat exchanger tube ID is .305 and the vapor tubes are .28125 OD . About .024 of play. It can't be more than that. This play is needed to make mating easy. If it were tighter you would have difficulty mating the two pieces.

While a slight amount of air will pass through that tiny 24 thousandths gap it is minimal and cupping your hand over the top of the unit would do nothing to 'plug' that gap between the metal parts.

If you find restricting the air flow produces better vapor then you may be slowing your draw speed with the restriction and the slower air flow is allowing the heat exchanger to do it's work better. A slow draw speed through a lightly tamped load seems to work best.

Experiment with draw speed and loading. Let me know if you still have difficulty.

Just got out my ruler and checked the play on my unit, the one I use daily. With the tube resting in the heat exchanger I can wiggle the top end of the tube and from far left to far right it's about a half inch of wobble.

Thanks A of Z, take your time.


Well-Known Member
You got in there ahead of me (while I was pecking away) Max. But I see you had the same thought on draw speed.

Must have, must have, must have. Oops, forgot to put the subliminal word cloak up. :p


Yep...Yep! Loose pack slightly tamped, and a slow steady draw speed is a neccessity for the thick vapor hits.

The same will actually go for your new VG too. Steady slow hits allows the element to heat up faster, but in the PD you already have the heat. Too fast of a draw and you'll get little vape, and a very dry throat. Slower hits allow more heat to effect the air around the bud. Raises the air temp higher in the bowl in other words. Viola...Thicker clouds. :) My tubes are a bit loose, but as it has been stated...that is normal. I have noticed that one of my tubes is too loose, and I have decided to relegate that one to an emergency/sick (cold) tube.

Good Luck Costanza

AtoZ...You crack me up man. I feel the PD is a solid choice. No matter how many vapes you buy, I feel this one will last you for sure. Probally long after most of the vapes you've bought after died. It is a great freind to have on a trip (when you get a car), and it is a great way to conserve before you get your first medical crop cured. The PD would be a good choice for you I feel, and I'll be excited to see which one you end up buying in November. Getting close. You must be getting excited.


Acolyte of Zinglon

very excited :D

i dont know why it took me so long to se the virtues of the pd... but i guess tom was the last piece of the puzzle and it all came together in a spectacular way :lol: funny that the vape i was ignoring this whole time turns out to be the one i choose over all the others (this view is still subject to change :ninja: )
conservation is nice, even when you have a lot on your hands, more effect from less herb is always welcome, im more excited about the pd than i was about any of the other units... and thats pretty damn excited
Acolyte of Zinglon,


lurking kiwi
Good on you AoZ. Took me a while to cme around to the virtues of the PD too. It doesn't get hot enough to vap some botanicals but really for your medicinal use it would be hard to beat.

I have been using a sneaky way to get a third hit as nearly as big and tasty as the first 2 and thats to carefully blow out the plug after the second hit, crumb it up with your fingers and suck the crumbs back into the bowl (suck straw style). Works best if the herb is still a bit tacky ... which the stuff I have at the mo is :D

I do pack my bowls quite tightly which allows for a tight plug that stays intact when 'blown' from the tube.

Constanza I tried using your method to block off the air flow and it made the bowl hard to draw on and didn't result in any added vapor. The air flow is there for a reason.

max said:
the most common mistake for new vaporists is hitting too hard.
Yep ... that was me :disgust: The key with the PD is to draw slowly. Allow the air to pass thru the herb at a leasurly pace :lol: Everything about the Purple-Days is laid back ... take it slow ... enjoy the ride. Even a session can take a little time but its worth it :cool:

Acolyte of Zinglon

ya, it certainly wont be the end-all vape, and i do plan to get another unit later down the line, but its a solid choice as a first vape, and if i have the money im definately going for it
the vaporstar is my choice if the money doesnt come together, im not going home without a door prize :mad: so im not really gonna worry that much, i kinda want the vaporstar anyway later on as a true portable

im pretty sure im going to be getting the ssv later on down the line if i want to do the ethnobotanicals thing, its funny how the pd and ssv seem to go together
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Hope I didn't get too techy. All those numbers...

What it boils down to is there are three reasons it can be too tight a fit (or even a slightly more snug fit). And no reasons it should be too loose (short of SS tubing mfgs making the wrong size tubing :o ).

Hey VC, I've done that. Lots of little hidden corners un a round house.

Yep we are in the nicotine/thc vape zone. Not suited to high temp vaping.

Acolyte of Zinglon

haha its awesome that you put a link to vc's vid on your site

i wonder how long it would take to reproduce the one gram challenge in the pd :D
if i do tha ill prolly have to do a lot of editing for time :lol:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Oh Yeah, had to! That was wicked.

And of course I asked permission first. Don't you love the feel of it? No way, I can say it so well. Thanks again VaporCloud, inspiring...

Acolyte of Zinglon

funny thing about this thread, it had all the answers to the questions i had when i read through it :)
remarkably on topic :lol:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Chief Vapor Officer
quick question, I owned an Aromazap years ago and one of the big problems was after the first couple of hits, the unit would cool down too much and I would have to wait. I know the PD has a bigger steel block to retain heat but has anyone experienced it cooling down too much to vape after multiple people hit it one after another?


Out to lunch
anyone experienced it cooling down too much to vape after multiple people hit it one after another?
No. I think the PD's heat exchanger is what makes it special, performance wise. Tom even added fins for more surface area. Unplug it and it'll still stay in vaping range for several minutes.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

It's been awhile.....all good (if you know what I mean),

am I the only one he keeps re-reading this entire thread.

I love my PD and would just be repeating all the good things that
have been said about the PD system.

It's just so easy to work with, loading, vaping, getting really good hits

with the extra tubes, it's more than a solo vaporizer.

The hits are better than I thought they would be for a small bowl, for me, it's
a better way to go.

Thanks Tom/Pam :cool:


lurking kiwi
stonemonkey55 said:
quick question, I owned an Aromazap years ago and one of the big problems was after the first couple of hits, the unit would cool down too much and I would have to wait. I know the PD has a bigger steel block to retain heat but has anyone experienced it cooling down too much to vape after multiple people hit it one after another?
I second what max said. I move my PD from room to room and it never drops out of the vapor zone.

And there is no waiting time if your hitting it hard either. Infact the hotter the little bowls get the thicker the vapor IMO.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Most I've tried was 4 people hitting it in succession for 2 bowls each, no problem there. 2 people back and forth is fine too ime.


Vapor concierge
I never thought of this, but does it let you know when it is warmed up somehow, maybe via the purple LED?


vapor junkie
Staff member
stickstones said:
I never thought of this, but does it let you know when it is warmed up somehow, maybe via the purple LED?
Nope, and tbh, I'm glad there's no thermal sensor/extra electronics in there. Look at the clock when you plug it in or set an egg timer (at my desk I use this) for 45 minutes, leave it on all day or forever. Make clouds.

So did you sell all your kid's video games yet? :D
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