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  1. P

    Asthma like symptoms after vaping.

    Ive been on a vaping break only taking edibles for the past 2 weeks. I been vaping a small bowl every now and then, but have noticed that when I do, I get these asthma like symptoms such as heavy chest weight, whistling while deep breathing, and just general throat irritations. I didn't seem...
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    Re-dosing edibles/tinctures.

    Hello all, Happy Friday to everyone. At the moment im taking a break from vaping, and am trying out some thc tinctures and edibles. So far the results are fantastic!, but I have noticed that when I Re-dose the edibles, I don't really feel any more effects. My re dose amount is usually the...
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    Who relies on cannabis "Tinctures."

    Hi all, Nice to meet you all, im just wondering how many people rely solely on tinctures to get their medicine. I started out as a 10 year cannabis smoker, but for health reasons moved onto vaporizing for the past three years. Now im starting to feel the weight on my lungs and throat and...
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    Holding in hits, and long convection hits.

    Hi all, I would like to get the general consensus of the community on who thinks holding in vapour hits and taking long convection style hits could really be messing up our lungs. Me, being a weed "smoker" for the first ten years, I was always used to taking a small 2 second pull on my joints...
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    Re-vaping avb.

    Does anyone have some tips on the best way to re vape avb. Im typically a low temp vapourist, and upon looking at all my lightly tanned avb collecting in mason jars, I get a little bit of anxiety about what to do with it. Im not one to waste. So lately ive been packing a few bowls of avb...
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    Mason jar lids, and BPA.

    Not sure if everyone is aware of this, but most mason jar lids are lined with BPA, a chemical known to have negative effects on the human body. Probably not a big deal if you're just storing weed in them, but good to be aware of it. I used to put all my avb for the day onto a mason jar lid...
  7. P

    Can someone verify something about the E nano log vape.

    Hey all, thanks in advance. I just recently purchased a E-Nano log vape, and want to know if there may be something wrong with it or the stems. When I place the glass stem onto the heater, I assumed it would be a airtight seal.(I could be wrong here, as its my first log). So with the log...
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    Log vape question.

    I just got my first log vape and was wondering if it was normal to not get a air tight seal when mating the stem to the heater? I assumed that it would be a very tight seal, however when i use my stem it feels like a lot of air is getting mixed in, and vapour production suffers. This being my...
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    Enano non-adjustable stems.

    Can anyone chime in as to how much the all glass non adjustable stems hold in the Enano. Or in other words, what is least amount they can hold without being too far from the heater, and what is the most they can hold without being to close to the heater. Thanks, all. Trying to decide on...
  10. P

    Hard hitting (low temp) vape.

    Can anyone recommend me a hard hitting vape(Portable or desktop) that can hit hard at low temps(356f range). Im not looking for clouds at this temp, but would like to get a nice strong terp hit. Up until now I have been using my Vtower with d dave one hitter, but recently broke the bowl for...
  11. P

    Mixing medium and course grinds.

    Hey all, I just purchased my second Brilliant cut grinder with a medium grind plate. I also have a older BCG with course plate that I intend to use exclusively with Cbd flower. In hindsight, I should purchased my new grinder with a course plate, but I choose the medium plate because it was...
  12. P

    Cannabis withdrawal and ED.

    Just want to see if anyone else has gone through this. About 3 weeks ago, I went from vaping every day for three years, to just vaping on fri/sat. The first few weeks, I had the typical symptoms, crankiness and mood swings, but overall not too bad. However going on the third week, i...
  13. P

    Best CBD flower vape.

    Hello all, Im a long time user here, converting over to mainly cbd flower for anxiety relief. At the moment I mostly use my crafty+ for cbd flower, and it does the trick. Roasts the herb evenly, and is consistent to the temp I set it at. Sometimes I wonder if im getting the most out of my cbd...
  14. P

    Modern log vape vs Arizer desktop with d dave mod

    Hello all, In the pursuit of better vapour I have been contemplating replacing my current desktop for a e nano nxt, Xl or woodscents. My current desktop is the arizer v tower with d dave mod. Im not complaint about the hits that I get with this setup, but I don't have any other desk top to...
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    Re-using Glass jars that cannabis comes in.

    Ive got a few of these glass jars that my various cannabis came in. Im thinking about ordering 4 Jyarz glass containers, but im thinking about saving some money and using my glass containers instead. Does anyone know how airtight these containers are. Ive noticed that they all came with a seal...
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    Cbd Flower.

    Hows it going everyone. Lately I have been using cbd flower to lower my anxiety levels, and find it to be working really well for me. I just want to get the general consensus on how low temp vs high temp affects the cannbibinoids you get out of a bowl of cbd. Thanks guys.
  17. P

    Hard hitting "LOW TEMP" vape.

    Is there even such a thing? So far ive been experimenting with low temp vaping throughout the week. Trying to stay under 350F for example. I typically like to take long, hard hitting draws, and try to finish with the fewest amount of draws as i can, preferably one or two hits. Im finding...
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    Cannabis Tinctures, and your Liver.

    I was wondering what the consensus was on thc, and cbd ingestible tinctures. There isn't alot of actual evidence regarding if they may or may not be harmful to your liver in large doses, or in smaller doses over the course of time. There was one study done on rats, which did show liver...
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    Top "Microdoser"

    Hello, Im Pete, Ive been using cannabis for 25 years, with a 10 year break somewhere right around the middle. Now im vaping for recreational use/medical use for anxiety. I try not to vape too much, as I believed that too much of anything is never good for you. As for my vaping routine. I...
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    Full THC extraction and low temp vaping.

    Hey all, I was looking at the thc content of my strain that im vaping at the moment, and it stated that it had 200 mg/thc per gram. So i was curious, will you get that full amount of thc if your vaping at a low temperature, or do you need to take it to combustion to get the amount stated on the...
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