After days of going through every possible retailer I started to lose hope getting the Roffu here in EU... but thanks to a TopGreen guy on reddit I actually was able to get my hands on it (thank you french guy!

Jumping from the Starry 3 to this is pretty much upgrade in all ways. The very first few draws on the Roffu were a bit 'weak' lets say, but that was because with the Starry I got used to short cigar-like puffs (because on conduction vapes the vapour builds up in the oven and it's ready to draw instantly I guess). Then I realized that I need to go with longer & slower draws. And it started hitting... pretty hard

I usually smoke my bud on 2 sessions. At 180C I started getting really nice & dense clouds (compared to 180C on the Starry - definitely denser). What really impressed me however, is that at higher temps (like 210C+) the Roffu kept the taste pretty clean and the vapour cool, where as on the Starry flavour after 210-220C+ started getting pretty rough & vapour was really hot.
I think they really nailed it with the design here. In fact, the design is honestly what got me hooked up the most. I feel like a lot of the stuff going on make perfect sense. First of all, nearly all parts are super easy to disassemble, and easy to clean. Ovens being detachable (and even having 2 different ones!) is just incredibly convenient. There is a metal mesh with silicon ring in the middle of both ovens where the bud lays on, but what's interesting here is that the ovens are perfect cylinders & are smooth. This makes it possible to put both meshes in a single oven which lets you flip the oven after session without stirring at all! This is even easier if you use the V3 Pro caps (which also fit perfectly - great for users who upgrade from V3Pro to Roffu).
Accessories are also pretty cool, I love the shovel/cleaning tool, but I'm just a sucker for little tools like this. The little grinder is also really cute

The foam packaging on the other hand (the one that the vape sits on when in the box) is really bad, as this is the reason behind the bad smell I'm pretty sure. It has the typical terrible rubber/silicon smell that gets used in cheap stuff. Which is really weird as the vape definitely doesn't have a cheap feel to it. Hopefully the manufacturer takes notes on this.
And to finish it off with a question - do you think that the 18650 battery on the Starry is better for the Roffu? It looks like official Samsung battery, where as the one that comes with the Roffu doesn't have any branding. I'm not really expert on electronics either