I'm surprised by the material, too (of the glass mp's). Now that you mention it, I also see some finish coming off the poker itself, where it engages into the main body.
Who will be the first to strip the 'paint' off of this thing?

Hopefully the manufacturer sees this already, they do seem willing to make changes mid-stream. I still see the overall design of the glass mp's as an improvement.
Thank you. I ordered two.
And no glass? After all of my praise for it? And after the the things that have happened to your other mp - the breakage, the magnets?
thank you, and no I didn't go through 29 pages to find it. That is why we as humans have the ability to ask polite questions of one another and share information that one may possess that another doesn't.
I see that you are relatively new to FC (Welcome!) and that you have been busy posting, etc.
The little kerfuffle and the reaction over your query deserves some background. I am not a mod, I have just been here long enough to understand the main rules (and to have broken a lot of them...).
So I gave a look on that page and have listed a couple of them (in no particular order), as a review for some and maybe a first read for others. Please know I am not directing all of this at you,
@Hemper; these are more just gentle reminders for all of us.
True Confession; The last one is one I break all the time...
- Read threads before posting in them. Thread rules may be outlined in the first post
- Lurk before posting. Please search and read before posting to see if your topic is already covered.
- Before ...... posting a reply, please ask yourself: ......Does my reply offer any significant advice or help contribute to the conversation? Is it on topic?
- Check out our chat room for a less formal, more free-form environment.
- Please do not revisit an issue unless you have helpful information or constructive comments to add.
Now, just to editorialize a bit;
I see the product threads as an attempt at building a knowledge base and not so much as a chat room type thing. I believe the early days of FC (I was not here then) adhered to this much more closely than today. In a perfect world, each product thread might be distilled to only bares bones facts and reactions to that vape. I guess for members or visitors there can be degrees of frustration when threads meander.
Beyond all of that, I love this place and the community, the civility. At times it is my church, at times my library and sometimes just a fun house to share with all of you folks.