Wife and I have both been very impressed by the V3, even as we compare it to our regulars; Mighty, Hopper, Go.
Not only for this device, for this moment, but also because I am SO PUMPED about the future of portable vaping, based on this thing!
Here are some comments about apparent weaknesses of the V3.
Magnets coming loose from mp. Who knows why? But it should not be happening.
Hasn't happened to me, but we see enough reports here...
I wonder if the bond is weakened at all by cleaning (iso?).
The setup in the glass wpa and glass mouthpiece seems to resolve this issue, and I'm using wpa full-time, so, I'm over it.
Maybe this isn't a weakness, but
I tried the wax cup last night with some nice live rosin. I think it was a waste of material, will stay with dedicated devices for the trates, thank you.
Potential damage to battery wrap.
I originally downplayed this in my mind, because I believed I saw an exact 'right way' to remove/replace them. I apparently have not yet discovered it, scraped 2nd battery sleeve yesterday (just a few weeks of use). I may be better at installing than removing, I think.
I firmly believe the device needs improvement in this aspect; this is not a matter of educating users about finesse in battery replacement, it is a HUGE safety concern. Safety is often a top reason listed when designers justify non-removeable batteries.
A few years ago I had a 750mAh battery 'vent' in my dresser drawer -- I don't ever want to see one of these 18650's go off!
I don't imagine a fix for this without changing the housing of V3, but that won't make current version safer.
To always charge battery in-device would mean less use of the device; we'd need 2 or 3 to keep up some days...
Oh. Such troubles! HA!
Three would still cost less than a Mighty or Hopper.
I need to add that I still have more to learn about usb-c charging and how to optimize that with this V3. I'm surprised that my Samsung phone brick/cable won't work at all, but currently (no pun intended) the Samsung cable, attached to a 6-way AC to usb-A thing (output= 5w, 2.5 amp)
has going from 1 bar to almost full in just under two hours, not too bad.[WRONG, last bar still blinking at almost 3 hrs now.]
But idk recall what size batt is in there!?!? 
-- 3,000mah, it may be a Sony VT6 and...
update, at 3-1/2 hrs, fully charged.