Hi FC, one of our V3Pro customer posted here and in Reddit VaporEnts/XmaxVape about an "issue" he noticed, he was afraid the airpath wasn't isolated from battery/electronics, here the response after talking with engineers:
Thanks for your support on XMAX and give us your feedback on XMAX V3 PRO.
1. The air-path is designed totally isolated from battery and/or electrics. All materials around heating chamber are environmentally friendly and odorless.
2. If the air inlet is blocked off and the air is blown vigorously, the internal airtight structural parts will be affected or offset by the atmospheric pressure and caused a little bit air leak. This is a normal situation. Because this device are assembled with several different material parts.
3. Without blocking the main airflow vent, the airflow will only pass through the main air-path.
Hope every XMAX fans will keep enjoying XMAX V3 PRO and share with us your experience. Topgreen team will always focus on the product quality firstly.
If the air intakes are uncovered, the buttons do not move.
Thank you for noticing that simple fact, air will follow the less resistance path... yes the V3Pro isn't a (yellow) submarine
The maker replied to the guys post and said the unit is defective, maybe a entire lot/batch shares this issue?
That was the fast reply I did before to speak with our engineers, unit(s) isn't defective at all, just not designed to blow in with air inlets covered, no worry.
Got a V3 today and I've got a couple questions for y'all fellow V3 owners!
So for Session Mode, how many puffs do you usually take as the timer goes down? I feel like I need to nurse it a bit or else I'm wasting the stuff being vaporized off the bud. Like, it's going either way so I gotta catch as much as I can lol

In reference to that actually... okay this is gonna get confusing bc its terminology is the same but how many Sessions do you usually do in one session? Or how many times do you press Session Mode during your average smoke session?
Also, purely as a holdover from when I used oils and the "vape lyfe" attitude surrounding it, how thick can you get the clouds on it? Have you noticed thicker clouds on Session or On Demand mode? For me it feels like I get a really big Burst of clouds from the first point it heats up and then it slowly gets less as the Session Mode session continues. Have you noticed that happen too?
I think you already got nice replies, I'm here only to add my two cents... With a loosely packed half bowl you can expect 5-6 hits, long, slow and deep hits. Unit have heating cycles, a session is the duration you need to vape a bowl. Cycles length may be adjusted (2, 4 or 6 mn), so it depends... Your last question... yes it's normal, when you start to vaporize a bowl the flowers are full of resin ready to be vaporized, after some time (hits) there is less goodies... so this is means less vapor, yes it's normal imho!
I just recieved mine yesterday from POTV and buttons don't move when I either take a drag or gently puff into the mouthpiece with the intakes closed off (thumb and forefinger). In fact, I get no drag at all

. Makes it easy to flutter the intake like on a dyna. Oh, and my "you hit temp" buzzer works in both modes.
Thank you for purchasing the V3Pro, and thank you for sharing!
Really decent cloudage for a single cell portable. Remember, once you get your technique down it's all down to energy and the heater. No real difference between on demand and session if you're talking about the same amount of time vaped because, as you've seen, vapor decreases as you proceed through your session.
Not true with this device as heat rises it slowly cooks the load, I posted pics of results a while back...brown ABV with no puffs from 1x6 min sesh mode on high temp.
I think he was asking if the V3Pro was cooking the load between hits. If you take 1 hit every 6mn it's better to use On-Demand mode, isn't it? I stop joking, did you noticed the entire load was browned or only the bottom? Thank you for noticing that "slow cooking", that's why the OD mode is for, to avoid that issue!
The magnet popped off the mouthpiece today, what were the diy? Ive tried to wedge something in there for now, hopefully the other stays in place
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, we noticed that issue and trying to fix it. Some guys used glue, I can't say which one though... if you are unable to put it back in place or if you don't want to do it you can contact your retailer's support team.