I don't think you should be so worried here actually, not only is the glass replaceable, it is decently durable, being so tiny...
Cheapest l could find it for was $18, not including shipping. For someone without an income (disabled), that could add up over time. l am like stupid clumsy xD
The other glass pieces too, but I guess if you knocked over the whole little rig to a drop, it could break, but it's so cheap you could buy two of them honestly? I think this product might be the simplest way for you to try out instead of going down the tinkerer's rabbit hole
yeah, l'm constantly knocking shit over xD l definitely resonate with the simplicity bit, that sounds lovely. But even as scary as that rabbit hole sounds...l think/am hoping it might be the best long term solution for me. Might have to just suck it up and jump on in lol
They are not complicated. If you can find a mod with artic fox pre installed it's even easier.
tysm for easing my qualms with TC mods. That'd be so lit if l could find on with AF pre installed, omg. A fellow FC member was kind enough to offer me their mod/tank, l'm hoping that AF has already been installed or if not that they'll be sweet enough to do it for me xD
I just received a new mod, I had to install af and then configure the different profiles as I have several atomisers. Whilst it wasn't plug and play it was fairly simple.
Whew. Further reassurance
Once you havr your profile(s) set up, there isn't any further config unless you change the bucket/coil, in which case you may need to lock to the new resistance.
how does one do that? Do mods have a lock button?
I'm really impressed with the DT v5. Decent temp control, easy clean and with af,set your temp, double click and take your draw.
af...air flow, yes? DT has some really nice looking products imo
bless you <3
Edit. Noticed you are looking for quartz. The DT v5 is polished ceramic. The sequoia (Saoi plus) is an excellent choice. I prefer the sic bucket but the quartz is also v good. The qomo q is also good
ty for the suggestion, l was actually torn between the sequoia, DT V4, and qomo when l was on the fence about glass (no longer am, have decided me and glass aren't a good combo lol) ty for your feedback on it
Sorry for using such acronyms&abreviations, yes the Qomo was designed in order to be simple to use, although I can say it performs simply amazingly! If you are a beginner this is the best choice without to break the bank! As well, with the 420 sales you might be able to find for a few bucks less!
Yes, the Xmax/Topgreen spirit is to offer affordable but quality device in order to help peoples to enter in the dry herb/concentrates vaping scene. Hope to see you posting here about your first qomo's feedback! Have fun!
it's ok xD yes, very affordable (:
I only have access to one strain of cannabis so many devices help with tolerance problems.
oh wow, that's gotta be rough...l feel for you. l'm constantly switching up strains due to tolerance build up. l had no idea that diff devices could help with that issue!
I am sure you could...I ended up with a spread sheet (hand-drawn

) with all my atomizers and their preferred settings...I would still opt for the Qomo though as it is so easy to use.
qomo's simplicity is appealing af, but after having given it some thought l think a sturdier tank might be a better long term solution. Hand drawn spread sheet ftw lmao! ty for the additional reassurance on the whole mod thing, l'm feeling better and better about it (:
shit snacks is quite wise indeed B-)