Pilot threatens to end flight due to AirDrop nudes: ‘Quit sending naked pictures’
These freak-uent flyers may have taken their freakiness a bit too far.

In a March 2019 ruling, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Cruise-Gulyas v. Minard that raising your middle finger and gesturing to the police is protected by the First Amendment.
Fun and funny until it isn't. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Any cop in need of being flipped of is probably not the cop you want to further antagonize.
A kid flips off a passing cop. The cop does not appreciate this. Hilarity ensues.
So, antagonizing cops is a bad idea. But this kid offers a masterclass in flexing your rights. Though based on your skin color I'd probably be careful with this kind of stuff. Makes for very funny content though.
I worry that the pig was considering doing something bad to this kid before the other piggy showed up.
Either way, the kid displayed big steel balls in taking that risk, and I feel that I must commend him for that!
Let's see how it's going over on Linkedin...
LOL. LMAO. If you called me at 8AM to schedule an interview at 11PM, I'd just assume your company is a complete clusterfuck that will be an absolute nightmare to work for. He's not selecting for "hustlers". He's specifically seeking out employees with zero self respect.
And $10 says this guy's made more than one "nOboDY WaNtS tO wOrK AnYMorE" posts over the past year.