Multi-brand Vivant Alternate


Well-Known Member
Something I'm noticing with mine, and hadn't asked others yet - I find most of the time when I'm turning the Alternate on, when it's completely off, I normally have to hit the button more than 5x to turn it on. Sometimes it's a second set of 5, sometimes it comes on by the 7th or so, it's not super consistent. Not sure if I'm hitting it too quickly, or what. Anyone else ever experience this? I'd think with over 3 hours of continued use I'd be a pro, but I can't seem to get it right 100% of the time, and I hate it when things are inconsistent :)
@IckiestOfTheSticky yep. Happens to me all the time.

edit to elaborate a bit: pressing the button 5 times almost never works when the Alternate has been turned off for some time (talking about minutes). I found out that most of the times I have to press one of the other two buttons to turn it on. I agree, it's a bit annoying.
yo @Vivant, you've been silent lately...

Any news on those mouthpieces?


Hello FC Community, I am sorry for my delay in responses. We have been really short handed at the office the last week and half and I personally have been sick for a good part of the last week so please accept my apology. I have finished catching up on the thread and would like to say that we are doing further testing on different types of plastic such as PES, PEI, PEEK and more. We are in the process of revamping our top cap material to better endure thermal expansion at high temps to avoid any of these issues from happening again. The ones from the bad batch will receive the revamped top cap when they arrive.
I just cannot speak of fulfillment time since we do not have a confirmation from the factory yet and I do not want to give false information. I am sorry for the frustration this is causing some of the members.
Rest assure, I will be back on here to give more details once the factory confirms it.

@IckiestOfTheSticky and @BaroneBarra , Here is the Quick Guide , this should address the issues with the button functions. When the screen is off and you click any button, the screen should awaken and come back on. However, just because the screen is off does not mean the device is completely off. To completely turn on or off the device, you would need to push the power button 5 times in rhythm. I know this is sort of a weird way but it has been adopted into the ecig industry for a long time now and seems to be the way to turn on and off most of the vapes out there. It could be a hassle because if the 5 clicks it is not in rhythm, it will not turn on/off successfully. However, with a bit of practice and time, it will get easier.

Does anyone's Alternate stop heating in the middle of the session and just go to idle mode? I can get a hit or 2 off mine before it just stops heating and the light on the front turns red. Any info on this?

Hello @Ted_Stuffins , if your device stops during session and the LED light on the front turns red, it means that the device has detected a drop in temp from the temp setting you have set your device at and is reheating itself back up to the temp setting you set it at. There has been a situation when an user has power lungs and is able to take a big enough draw to drop the temp, this is exactly what happens with the device. The next time it does this to you, check the screen to see if the temp is lower than what you had set it at. I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you.

I also really just want to thank everyone for your input so far. Every little bit of info is helping us make the Alternate better for you. If anyone encounters any issues, please feel free to email or DM us and we will do our best to get it taken care of in a timely manner. Thank you for everyone's continuous support. -Emily


Well-Known Member
I have finished catching up on the thread and would like to say that we are doing further testing on different types of plastic such as PES, PEI, PEEK and more. We are in the process of revamping our top cap material to better endure thermal expansion at high temps to avoid any of these issues from happening again.

Please let me know if you need any assistance testing the new mouthpiece materials.

I just made a review video for the Alternate! I totally failed to include the pic I took from the office.
It was a pretty lame pic anyways.


Well-Known Member
Please let me know if you need any assistance testing the new mouthpiece materials.

I just made a review video for the Alternate! I totally failed to include the pic I took from the office.
It was a pretty lame pic anyways.

Nice review man. Kinda long but you covered everything honestly and we got to see every. Single. Hit:brow::\. Which could be boring but it really gives you the idea how much this lil thing can keep pumping out from that tiny bowl. Thanks for the advice to manufacturers to make parts cleanable with 91% ISO. Good to see someone not just shilling for a company or for free vapes.


Well-Known Member
I have spent a lot of time with the Vivant Alternate traveling with it on two road trips as a passenger, it has been going through the paces! I have been wanting to give it an honest review, and spend some time sharing my experiences and opinions.

First most important, I would like to say thank you @Vivant for the recent contest giving me a chance win a vaporizer that actually knew very little about. :rockon:

After hearing about this vape I read the thread and found this vape to be making a lot of buzz with some well respected members here! I then read about the cracking/melting of the mouth piece, that was a flashback to the pinnacle pro which was my first portable and vape that got me on the thread. Emily at Vivant is handling everything extremely while and keeping the forum informed of the updates and changes!

Few quick thoughts when receiving the alternate, First I was having quite a hard time getting the plastic taste out of the new unit, I was doing burn offs at 409. I actually reached out to trdreviews on ig and he suggested washing with soap and water. This seemed to mellow it out a bit and after a few more burn offs I just packed the bowl and had a session. It took a few more sessions but eventually the plastic taste was gone! The firmware update was huge and I keep my sessions on 5 mins. and often hold the (-) and (+) buttons at the same time to reset the timer this is a nice feature! I also use the concentrate pad on top of my herb to keep the screen clean herb packed in place. I removed the silicone flap in the cu, and keep the air intake open full.

  1. Cool Vapor
  2. Digital Screen read out, Micro usb, Replaceable 18650
  3. Stealth
  4. Even cook abv even without stirring
  5. Price
  1. Cleaning the CU
  2. No mid session temp change
  3. Cracking the button codes
  4. Stir stick falling out
  5. Too much plastic

I have really enjoyed the low temp sessions on this vape, I start at about 345 for the first 5 mins and finished the second session on 390. I feel free to rip this vape in the car or public without it looking suspicious.

Would like to see the stir tool revisited to make it more snug, possible a pipe cleaner style brush on the end might be an idea. Dosing cans to pre load and drop in and out would be an awesome accessories. The temp change is something that would be cool, and I am looking forward to a new cooling unit.

For the first deep clean I grabbed 91 iso and tried a qtip, it was a bit tough so I tried a few quick dunks. This gave me some white discoloration inside the cooling unit, but this went away after using. I still don't know the best way to clean the cooling unit..?

Over all I am loving this vape and it is filling the stealth portable niche that I was missing. I can see this vape getting a lot of usage this summer, and can't wait to see what else is down the pipe works for Vivant!



New Member
I have spent a lot of time with the Vivant Alternate traveling with it on two road trips as a passenger, it has been going through the paces! I have been wanting to give it an honest review, and spend some time sharing my experiences and opinions.

First most important, I would like to say thank you @Vivant for the recent contest giving me a chance win a vaporizer that actually knew very little about. :rockon:

After hearing about this vape I read the thread and found this vape to be making a lot of buzz with some well respected members here! I then read about the cracking/melting of the mouth piece, that was a flashback to the pinnacle pro which was my first portable and vape that got me on the thread. Emily at Vivant is handling everything extremely while and keeping the forum informed of the updates and changes!

Few quick thoughts when receiving the alternate, First I was having quite a hard time getting the plastic taste out of the new unit, I was doing burn offs at 409. I actually reached out to trdreviews on ig and he suggested washing with soap and water. This seemed to mellow it out a bit and after a few more burn offs I just packed the bowl and had a session. It took a few more sessions but eventually the plastic taste was gone! The firmware update was huge and I keep my sessions on 5 mins. and often hold the (-) and (+) buttons at the same time to reset the timer this is a nice feature! I also use the concentrate pad on top of my herb to keep the screen clean herb packed in place. I removed the silicone flap in the cu, and keep the air intake open full.

  1. Cool Vapor
  2. Digital Screen read out, Micro usb, Replaceable 18650
  3. Stealth
  4. Even cook abv even without stirring
  5. Price
  1. Cleaning the CU
  2. No mid session temp change
  3. Cracking the button codes
  4. Stir stick falling out
  5. Too much plastic

I have really enjoyed the low temp sessions on this vape, I start at about 345 for the first 5 mins and finished the second session on 390. I feel free to rip this vape in the car or public without it looking suspicious.

Would like to see the stir tool revisited to make it more snug, possible a pipe cleaner style brush on the end might be an idea. Dosing cans to pre load and drop in and out would be an awesome accessories. The temp change is something that would be cool, and I am looking forward to a new cooling unit.

For the first deep clean I grabbed 91 iso and tried a qtip, it was a bit tough so I tried a few quick dunks. This gave me some white discoloration inside the cooling unit, but this went away after using. I still don't know the best way to clean the cooling unit..?

Over all I am loving this vape and it is filling the stealth portable niche that I was missing. I can see this vape getting a lot of usage this summer, and can't wait to see what else is down the pipe works for Vivant!

Hey man, how's the vapor altogether around 345? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, how's the vapor altogether around 345? Thanks.

I think it is smooth and decent flavor over all. I prefer the alternate around 345 honestly, and with most other vapes I found the higher end to be preferable around 380 to 420.
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Well-Known Member
Hey, this is a long shot and may have been brought up before, but I wonder if there is any way a Crafty cooling unit could be used with the Alternate? They don't exactly match but what if? @Vape Dr. Or anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is a long shot and may have been brought up before, but I wonder if there is any way a Crafty cooling unit could be used with the Alternate? They don't exactly match but what if? @Vape Dr. Or anyone else?

It seems like it would fit with minor modification to the Crafty cooling unit. I'm not handy enough to make it work though.
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Well-Known Member
First thing, great vape Vivant! Excellent forum presence, and customer support/interface. I have to say, from where I stand as an owner and user of this vape, the fact that the internal mouthpiece ring deforms AT ALL is a strong reason not to use this vape. If there is plastic degradation that is happening within the air path of this vape, why would anyone want to use this vape. I am not fear mongering, or product bashing. If the plastic shows signs of melting, you inhaled the byproducts of this process. The maker can apologize, and we all look forward to a resolution. The bottom line is fuckcombustion, right? We all fucked the flame to be safer/healthier/ insert motivation here.....I will be using the alternate to my Alternate until such time that Vivant provides a non-melting,cracking, breaking, generally remaining viable and intact alternative.

I am secretly milling a small wood collar that holds a glass mouthpiece. The collar will not be in the air path, it will be used to engage the tabs that hold the factory cu onto the body. The glass tube is a log vape stem with no glue or adhesive. I will letya know how it turns out....


Well-Known Member
I have finished catching up on the thread and would like to say that we are doing further testing on different types of plastic such as PES, PEI, PEEK and more. We are in the process of revamping our top cap material to better endure thermal expansion at high temps to avoid any of these issues from happening again. The ones from the bad batch will receive the revamped top cap when they arrive.
Redesign of this cap should be concerned as well, for couple reasons
-It can get hot on some spots, if you are not aware of that you can easily burn your finger.
For example the top of top cap, this flat surface with V And Vivant Logo, you can cook there scrambled egg, easily.
- i think It will be a weak spot of this device, even when made from different material, that heat is absorbed by the surface of top cap, this spot where this stretching when heated, then cooled then heated etc.


Well-Known Member
Hello @Stinky , I am sorry for the delay. We had to revamp our team as well and unfortunately are a bit short handed right now. Once things get going and we can build our video team back up, you will be sure to find the videos on our YouTube channel.. Please hang in there for us. Thank you

@Vivant Are you guys still releasing the videos?


New Member
Hi guys, ive just purchased the Vivant alternate, do I have to update the new firmware myself or will it come with it already on??...If i do have to do it myself how do I go about doing it....Thanks guys :)


Well-Known Member


I absolutely give up on the update.
I have downloaded the Alternate updater on 2 macs, and on one windows computer, and in all cases and on all 3 computers it says Device name: None.
I got the application properly opened......
Turned the unit on....
plugged it in, and on all computers it says it does not find the device.
I did this carefully and used the mac apps for the older and brand new macs.....
I was equally careful to download the windows app for the laptop.
My device is not being recognized by any of my computers.
I went to a home where he has successfully updated his firmware, and his computer says my device is not recognized, but when he plugs his in, it says Device name: Alternate.
@Vivant .... is this update needed, or is it fine to forget it, since my device is not recognized (even using another user's tools and computer).


Well-Known Member
I absolutely give up on the update.
I have downloaded the Alternate updater on 2 macs, and on one windows computer, and in all cases and on all 3 computers it says Device name: None.
I got the application properly opened......
Turned the unit on....
plugged it in, and on all computers it says it does not find the device.
I did this carefully and used the mac apps for the older and brand new macs.....
I was equally careful to download the windows app for the laptop.
My device is not being recognized by any of my computers.
I went to a home where he has successfully updated his firmware, and his computer says my device is not recognized, but when he plugs his in, it says Device name: Alternate.
@Vivant .... is this update needed, or is it fine to forget it, since my device is not recognized (even using another user's tools and computer).


Try opening the app first and THEN plug in the device. I had the same problem and found this out by accident. Then the Mac finally saw it. See my post #262


Did it.
Opened the app on 4 computers.
Opened the app THEN plugged in the device.
I watched someone else do it with theirs, then he tried to do same with mine.
I did read your post # 262
I may be having a slow witted day!

Started over and downloaded the updater on all 3 computers.
opened app.
Plugged in unit and waited a respectful 3 minutes, and tried to touch update.
"No Hardware is found".

Anyone else finding this issue?
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