I don't know exactly where I'm going with this next thought but I'll try to make some sense without rambling too much. I absolutely loved the Verdamper in Amsterdam but I also think that the sheer "magic" of being in Amsterdam and the overall ambiance of the coffeshops there might play a role as well. I've been there three times and have really fond memories of the place each time, so I'm a little bit worried that I might somehow be a bit disappointed by having the Verdamper back home... Am I nuts?

It certainly won't be the same experience as being there but then again, it might trigger some good memories/feelings of being there...
Haha I like the pun “speaks volumes.”
I’m an expert at conducting myself regularly and normally, in a physically mobile, mental and communication (verbal and written) nature on just about any dose of LSD.
A milligram for example, I may not be able to type coherently for a short while during the first hyper dimensional hour but it’s just like putting the pen down for a short while, before faculties are restored with a full day’s tripping just beginning.
So on what you say above, I can relate to that thinking, but I can only assure you again, no need for such concerns or apprehensions IMO.
I bet any vaporizer, vape session, experience of cannabis would be more magical, but not at all necessarily, as if it’s the only way because life doesn’t work like that fortunately and it’s all there to be created, in Amsterdam coffee shops.
I went twice myself from UK, 1998 and 2005, but no Verdamper, we walked around a little gallery in 2005, I accompanied a Schizophrenic friend who needed minding there and back, was going to go by himself regardless, and was on the verge of a full Schizo emergence event.
I didn’t enjoy a moment of those 3 days with a 3 yr old like totally unreal, laughing, incommunicable Schizophrenic who I literally brought back with me, making him run so we made our trains etc, or he never would have returned.
I had just begun fully developing Lyme Disease at the same time which flipped my world upside down, totally unhinged me mentally and was when I became allergic to everything in life, so it was hardly a holiday.
But on one of the days, my losing it, erratic mate insisted we visited this Gallery. The Dutch man whose passion and job it was to escort us around, there appeared to be 2 conditions- we had to pause at the bottom floor and admire their beautiful weed plant, behind a glass window, long branches individually suspended by strings from the ceiling.
Second condition, I had to use their vaporizer they designed themselves,
It was a conduction vape. He inserted a heating element into a small, not too small but way smaller than the VD, heating chamber for a minute, I had to use my own weed, which he tossed into the glass chamber after he removed the heat source.
So it was unheated while I actually vaped my 0.3 gram load in very few easy free flowing inhalations.
The glass conduction chamber held it’s heat. I was impressed, I’d never used a vaporizer before that could meet requirements.
It was that exact experience that inspired me in December 2008 to hunt out an equal hitting vape and buy before the 24th.
I had had that experience so I knew what I wanted potentially existed.
That is when I narrowed it quickly down to the Aromed or Verdamper which I came across randomly that day, 23rd December or maybe 22nd, 2008.
I knew of the Volcano then, the world leader it was at the time, but I didn’t want the aluminium electric heater in my airpath after feeling the Aluminium heater in the pathetic Vapir One vaporizer felt inherently toxic.
The Verdamper hits harder and better than the vape I tried in that gallery.
I am sure I could have a whail of a time using the Verdamper with the coffeeshop’s finest weed and special ambience.
But I never had the opportunity. I used it at my home.
I can tell you, it doesn’t matter where you drive the Ferrari, Lamborghini or Mercedes, on the dirt planes in Africa, the North Pole, or the streets of Amsterdam.
Specific terrain related strengths and weaknesses aside, they will still each perform relatively (not- “roughly” but exactly relative to each other) identically.
If you closed your eyes, if you simply like the way the Porsche drives better than the (lol I know nothing of cars trying to think…some other fast flyer basically), then that experience should hold true, to the same relative degree in any situation theoretically IMO,
So no way would I have loved the Verdamper in Amsterdam, then been disappointed at home feeling I’d picked wrong.
As if my happiness, pleasure depends on the coffeeshop. I’d love to frequent the vicinities sure, have no allergies, use every vape and every strain of weed going over there.
But the Verdamper shines and works it’s magic independently of the surroundings. It delivers a high as well as any other vape, relatively.
You can have your cake at home and eat it every single day with the Verdamper basically. That’s my view! Just a very elaborate trip-headed way to put it!