Agree on the twisted bowls, the spiral are quite nice too. Although I think if I buy another VG it will be the bronze sherlock. It would be nice to see the bowl from that angle as you use the lighter. I've generally been fine with the classic one I've got, but did aim badly once and fuck the paint some.
So after a week or so with the VG I think I've got a pretty good handle on it now and what I like and dislike.
The first day getting it, I tried a few bowls back to back using normal lighters, hemp wick and a torch lighter. I got the technique straight away, it was easy to pick up. Using hemp wick was a bit crap and annoying, the candle flame lighter was alright but I found the ABV was only getting to a sandy tone. I preferred the torch lighter, it was much better IME. Much easier to get the level of extraction that I need.
I am glad I never bought one of these in my early vaping days though, I think I would've combusted A LOT

after a few bowls though I started to get a headache. I wasn't sure whether it was anything to do with the VG or coincidental so I left it a couple of days before going back to it.
After picking up the VG again, I exclusively used torch lighters and didn't have any more issues with headaches thankfully. I've been able to get an even vape on my bowls and the hits are solid and flavourful. I like this vape quite a lot, it's pretty convenient and think it's found a place in my vaping line-up.
There are a few things I don't like about it, there's always something right
So I hate the mouthpiece, I don't like plastic mouthpieces at all, but this feels like a particularly terrible one. Looking at the site there don't seem to be any alternatives except for the glass pieces. I also don't like the screen, it was annoying and I managed to flip it a few times when stirring my bowl between hits. I went to see if a basket screen would fit in, and the one I had
kinda fits 
it's basically stuck in there now and not sure I could easily get it out, but for now it did solve the screen problem and as long as I don't want to remove it then it's fine I guess. Also I wouldn't mind some kind of collar for the bowl, I haven't actually burnt myself but got a little hot touch I guess. Something like the silicon ring things you get with the e-cig tanks would work but I couldn't find anything to fit it.
All in all though I am liking the VG and will buy the bronze sherlock and maybe the glass one too in the future.
Enough blathering on from me, here's a vid of me hitting it.
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