Salutations KidFated,
...have you seen the "Fujuma platinum gun metal" torch at puffitup?
I have now, it's the Obelix shape... Except no red mustache.
The "Fujima" lighter might solve my tank capacity problem and maybe even the overheat issue as it appears to be featured with 3 ventilation slots per side, right behind a chain-ring attached to its cover. I may not succeed locating it in my remote Canadian city but our brief exchange allowed me to identify/visualise those items, hoping i'll remember the next time i go shopping around...
I REALLY liked that for my vapman, maybe it'd do good for preheating your stone?
Given enough options i might as well pick the VapMan (etc.), euh... But that would mean i moved to a major metropole.
It's true my tank's capacity feels inconvenient but the loss of a "soft" yellow (Xikar) flame caused the worst negative impact, actually, because combustion occurs faster and hence more frequently. An explanations follows...
Here's my prefered torch lighter:
It sold for 10 $ at Canadian Tire and still functions so far.
I don't know your exact process but just an idea!
As i must have previously mentioned the sphere on my modded VG pipe would seem too small to sustain the more intense fire of my other torch lighter, while working with this smaller "gun" unit means it needs to be set for maximum thrust with a sufficiently filled butane tank. Ideally i'd seek a model somewhere in between.
Relatively to ritual, at 1st the bowl is empty so i can torch it red-hot to my heart's content - or until i smell wood. Usually 3 or 4 shots will do, then i load my pipe's bowl and switch to "yellow" flame if available, if not then i simply try to use additional caution because once there's heat stored then my flame's role becomes secondary. So, using a torch again (after the pre-heat phase) causes scorches to multiply... Consequently i don't really need another lighter, just a bigger tank so i can acquire the required torch-manipulation skills - but they don't sell halves so i think a different product with a large tank and a slightly higher (but yet comparably modest) output would serve me best.
A tad more power for 2 ~ 3 times longer is what my jet torch fails to provide, or i could as well find necessary to find another platform with no wood to burn, etc. Though ultimately i should be aiming for lower temperatures inside the core...