

How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Same here. Very thin vapour but I'm getting a more noticeable sharper high than with any of my other vapes. Doesn't really make sense.
There use to be a video of René talking about this, at least I’m pretty sure it was René, and the way he explains it makes perfect sense.

Basically what he said was that our lungs can only absorb so much THC (or whatever else) at a time. So when you “1 Hit Extract” something like an Anvil your lungs aren’t actually able to absorb that whole .2 gram bowl and a lot of it is lost on the exhale.

But with the Vapman, you’re using that same .2 grams worth of weed (or whatever amount) and you’re taking multiple inhales allowing you to absorb more of the good stuff, and less is lost on the exhale.

Is all of that scientifically true? Can’t say. I’ve never researched lung absorption rate or anything but anecdotally I can say his reasoning seems sound.


Well-Known Member
Same here. Very thin vapour but I'm getting a more noticeable sharper high than with any of my other vapes. Doesn't really make sense.
The Lotus and bricks are like this. You don't see it at first sometimes, but it's there and you feel it afterwards.
The original Vapman torch is excellent, but you'll also find some other recommendations here
Ahhh thanks for this!


Well-Known Member
did you get the cherry version? those are unfinished to get that low price! finishing it with boiled linseed oil / wax will make a big difference … the cherry’s will also benefit from a little light sanding for a more finished feel
No I got the purpleheart

From the sounds of it I’d be extremely disappointed if I had gotten the cherry

My olive is the softest and smoothest piece of wood I’ve ever had my hands on. Now I did buy it second hand new and the previous owner could have done some magic to it but idk for sure. It just feels incredible in the hand.



Well-Known Member
Happy holidays! :cheers: I think the Vapman shines particularly bright during this time of the year.


I fully agree with the consensus that the OGs both look and feel better than the Click - no question about it.

But for those of you with a pure cherry, sanding down the edges just a tiny bit and then giving the untreated wood a nice finish will in my opinion make it quite a bit more personable.

This is mine after a gentle sanding and just two coatings, being noticeably smoother to the touch and more amber in colour:


Received my first Vapman today. Shout out to to VGoodiez for blazing fast delivery of the same Cherry Pure Click. I gave it two coats of Ed’s Bomb Butter but did no sanding. After first use, I did notice a little surface roughness that I’ll take a fine grit to before re-buttering per your advice.

The click feature sold me on trying a Vapman. I didn’t really care for the Dynavap so didn’t really look much at other butane-fired vapes, as mastering them sounded challenging. When I heard about the Click and saw some reviews, I couldn’t resist that entry level price.

Punches way above its diminutive form factor! Crazy small but wow. Looking forward to reading this sub.


Well-Known Member
Received my first Vapman today. Shout out to to VGoodiez for blazing fast delivery of the same Cherry Pure Click. I gave it two coats of Ed’s Bomb Butter but did no sanding. After first use, I did notice a little surface roughness that I’ll take a fine grit to before re-buttering per your advice.

The click feature sold me on trying a Vapman. I didn’t really care for the Dynavap so didn’t really look much at other butane-fired vapes, as mastering thpen sounded challenging. When I heard about the Click and saw some reviews, I couldn’t resist that entry level price.

Punches way above its diminutive form factor! Crazy small but wow. Looking forward to reading this sub.
welcome to the club!


Well-Known Member
I concur. I have so far found the click kind of underwhelming. I used it for a bit and then went back to my Applewood and Endless Knot. I don’t at all find the clicking useful, rather I find it abrupt and distracting.
While I do like the "manual" (as opposed to "automatic") nature of the OG pan, and while the OG pan is definitely still my go-to for hash, I really feel like the flavor from the Click pan is next level.

The disk is perfectly calibrated for my personal tastes, basically no visible exhale on the first hit but man the terps are magical. I don't think even my tastiest OG rip has ever matched my average Click rip. I genuinely don't think I've used a tastier vape. It paints your mouth like the Tinymight or a log, but the conduction adds depth and body to the flavor in a way that IMO pure convection cannot. It's harder for me distinguish subtle flavors with pure convection, it sort of just turns into one homogenous, airy and bright flavor.

The Convector might produce comparable flavor for me with much more visible vapor, but for whatever reason the Convector has the most psychedelic signature of any vape I've used, and I pretty much never want those kinds of highs anymore.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
My olive is the softest and smoothest piece of wood I’ve ever had my hands on. Now I did buy it second hand new and the previous owner could have done some magic to it but idk for sure. It just feels incredible in the hand.

Olive is probably one of the finest grain out there. Open pores woods (like the purple hearth) will always have some relief and a more textured touch.
Boxtree can give a silk smooth surface but the oils in the olive wood gives it a butter smooth touch.

This vape confuses me. The high potency does not match the vapour output. Anyone know why this may be?

Same here. Very thin vapour but I'm getting a more noticeable sharper high than with any of my other vapes. Doesn't really make sense.

You two reminds me of my first run with the Thermal Accumulator. I've had few vapes prior to the TA and the Vapman was (still is) the device I know the best, from taste to effects.

With the TA I was like : "OMG all these clouds !! :o "
And a few minutes later : "where did all the good stuff went ? I'm barely high WTF :huh:"

I find the TA to be a very inefficient device. (But really fun to use I admit).

Dose wise, nothing hits me as hard as the vapman. Even the herbo.
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Well-Known Member
Olive is probably one of the finest grain out there. Open pores woods (like the purple hearth) will always have some relief and a more textured touch.
Boxtree can give a silk smooth surface but the oils in the olive wood gives it a butter smooth touch.

You two reminds me of my first run with the Thermal Accumulator. I've had few vapes prior the TA and the Vapman was (still is) the device I know the best, from taste to effects.

With the TA I was like : "OMG all these clouds !! :o "
And a few minutes later : "where did all the good stuff went ? I'm barely high WTF :huh:"

I find the TA to be a very inefficient device. (But really fun to use I admit).

Dose wise, nothing hits me as hard as the vapman. Even the herbo.
The Vapman clouds satisfy me. But other devices give more visible clouds per g of material. However it is clear the Vapman is shockingly potent.

I used to correlate cloud production with strong effects. But I guess I need to let that notion go.

Thanks for adding your experience. I couldn't understand what I was experiencing. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Well-Known Member
Olive is probably one of the finest grain out there. Open pores woods (like the purple hearth) will always have some relief and a more textured touch.
Boxtree can give a silk smooth surface but the oils in the olive wood gives it a butter smooth touch.

You two reminds me of my first run with the Thermal Accumulator. I've had few vapes prior the TA and the Vapman was (still is) the device I know the best, from taste to effects.

With the TA I was like : "OMG all these clouds !! :o "
And a few minutes later : "where did all the good stuff went ? I'm barely high WTF :huh:"

I find the TA to be a very inefficient device. (But really fun to use I admit).

Dose wise, nothing hits me as hard as the vapman. Even the herbo.
Yeah I can understand what your saying about the TA. the dani fusion 2 was my daily driver for almost a year, it's my favourite vape by far. But yesterday I was chopping and changing between the click and fusion 2 and the click definetely produces a more intense high.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
These thoughts on vapor production and effects are interesting. The Vapman has pleasant conduction effects, but to feel the effects, there's also the way to absorb and spit out the vapor.
If you inhale the Tornado bowl and hold the vapour in your lungs for a while before spitting it out, you'll feel the effects of the active from head to toe, almost instantly. That's my experience.

I'm sad because I broke the little central rod of my Vapman and it then disintegrated.:(

We can see the metal parts


Well-Known Member
This vape confuses me. The high potency does not match the vapour output. Anyone know why this may be?
I’m thinking vapor travel distance might contribute to this as well? With a standard sized mouthpiece, it’s only a couple of inches of pathway until you’ve got it. Somewhat similar when I’m trying to extract the last little bit at the end, directly from a short wpa with other vapes. Dani short stem comes to mind too when thinking of this..


Well-Known Member
No I got the purpleheart

From the sounds of it I’d be extremely disappointed if I had gotten the cherry

No complaints here about the finish of my walnut, click.

And a friendly reminder that the click doesn't need to be the "hit me now" sound. As with a Dynavap, these can be seen as a reference point. So maybe for some their preferences will be heating a second or more longer to get a hit to thier tastes.


Well-Known Member
No complaints here about the finish of my walnut, click.

And a friendly reminder that the click doesn't need to be the "hit me now" sound. As with a Dynavap, these can be seen as a reference point. So maybe for some their preferences will be heating a second or more longer to get a hit to thier tastes.
Or they can just use an OG or 2.0 and not need a “reference point.”

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Or they can just use an OG or 2.0 and not need a “reference point.”
How very helpful of you. I don't see anything wrong with having a """reference point""" for people who would prefer it or like to have an indication of what's going on. The awesome thing is, you can still choose to use the other, nonclick Vapmans, or even ignore the reference point click, which is what he suggested.

I'm still waiting on my first one, and I'm anticipating being able to learn, and using the snap disc as a reference to do so. I could have eventually learned a """non-click""" too though. (since we need to """" thing here for seemingly no reason)


Well-Known Member
This was all I was pointing out. Not sure why you took offense to it.
Don't think any offence was taken. A reference point to work from is an obvious advantage over the previous models. It takes much of the guess work out and provides the perfect starting temperature to dial in your technique. The added click will only the make the vapman even more popular.


Well-Known Member
Don't think any offence was taken. A reference point to work from is an obvious advantage over the previous models. It takes much of the guess work out and provides the perfect starting temperature to dial in your technique. The added click will only the make the vapman even more popular.
Yes, this.

It really opens up the Vapman to beginners. I got a click for a friend for Xmas, but probably would not have gotten one for her of the original design. And in their livestream, the fellas said that this was thier biggest piece of feedback on the Vapman.


Well-Known Member
Yes, this.

It really opens up the Vapman to beginners. I got a click for a friend for Xmas, but probably would not have gotten one for her of the original design. And in their livestream, the fellas said that this was thier biggest piece of feedback on the Vapman.
Your original post was both objectively correct and also offered good, friendly advice. The passive-aggressiveness is probably just displaced...something.

Maybe you got mistaken for a beta tester. :lol:

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings, do not under estimate the high that the Vapman is unique and spiritual. You will experience a different more surreal high...this is what I experience when I use my is like smoking an Indian peace pipe high. Extraordinary. That is why I always say who cares about clouds. The point of vaping is to get high medicate for me. If I can get this high with this amazing vape...I do not need CLOUDS. Sometimes I sip on the Vapman and think that I did not get anything...then, holy shit! So, take your time with the Vapman. Enjoy your time with the Vapman...have a beautiful experience with the Vapman.


Well-Known Member
Greetings, do not under estimate the high that the Vapman is unique and spiritual. You will experience a different more surreal high...this is what I experience when I use my is like smoking an Indian peace pipe high. Extraordinary. That is why I always say who cares about clouds. The point of vaping is to get high medicate for me. If I can get this high with this amazing vape...I do not need CLOUDS. Sometimes I sip on the Vapman and think that I did not get anything...then, holy shit! So, take your time with the Vapman. Enjoy your time with the Vapman...have a beautiful experience with the Vapman.
I believed you when you mentioned this close to the Click release. However I thought it was caused by the ritual, and mindful aspect to it.

But even if I blast through a couple of small bowls in only a few heat cycles, in a rush, it is clear that the Vapman is hyper efficient and potent. Regardless of cloud output.


Well-Known Member
Olive is probably one of the finest grain out there. Open pores woods (like the purple hearth) will always have some relief and a more textured touch.
Boxtree can give a silk smooth surface but the oils in the olive wood gives it a butter smooth touch.
I’ve been meaning to ask about this exact thing. If it’s just the olive wood naturally being a silky dream. My v1 is the only olive wood in my kit.

I’m also curious if there are any performance differences between different wood species vapmans?

I’m just too busy to ask questions trying to read this long ass thread so I can be a professional Vapmaner
No complaints here about the finish of my walnut, click.

And a friendly reminder that the click doesn't need to be the "hit me now" sound. As with a Dynavap, these can be seen as a reference point. So maybe for some their preferences will be heating a second or more longer to get a hit to thier tastes.
To me the click is calibrated perfectly

Well done
As stated before I like the clicks calibration.

When using the devices the same way, I feel like the smaller bowl is more efficient. Allowing me to achieve what I’m after easier. It’s not the click I don’t like. I prefer the smaller bowl.

On top of that the finish and perhaps the wood type is also preferred over my click. Although I like the looks of the click in ph better. Do you have older ones to compare to @Texus? I haven’t seen a vapman I don’t like 👍

I’m surprised how much I appreciate the round edges of the older ones.

Edited to add the @‘s cuz I messed up the multi quote
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