The Appleman arrived yesterday. The wood is very pretty. It's darker than I expected in person. I have given it a few test runs and it is a vapman!

This is my first vapman titanium mouthpiece. I like, it but it it's not a huge improvement over SS (inox). It might have been my imagination but I felt like the middle section was warmer using the titanium MP.
This was the first time I every saw some very small QC issues with a new vapman. Nothing at all important, but the screws that hold the screen on the middle piece were not tightened completely. There was also a bit of fluff in the middle piece below the mouthpiece that I found while cleaning. No other issues, perfectly built and assembled.
I had wondered if, being a limited release, these would be numbered but I didn't see any evidence of that. I'm happy to have another vapman join the family and I hope they keep using interesting woods from their region.