Singer Song Writer Stoner
This, plus I can't see additional generic adapters being more than like $20 each, so the cost of having a few extras isn't a big deal anyway...
...nobody is suggesting we use this approach for the Cloud. Most plugpak adapters will balk at squeezing 200W of low-voltage DC over a skinny cable. I just mentioned it as the cheapest approach to making a world-compatible appliance. The VXL products use an internal power supply, so I mentioned that approach last.
Also, the additional cost of an internal switchmode supply should be insignificant, and more than offset by the convenience of inventory management and global marketing it provides. It's just that it's probably not even an option for this gen anyway, due to the DC/AC thing. Maybe the mysterious "Higher Primate" will use DC internally?
I'm gonna bet VXL would prefer to have one unit to rule them all

Not trying to be arrogant or so but the time of NA only voltage machine is so over!
A lifetime of using stepdowns has to end!

All my life I had electronics from the US even tho I live far far away.
I was so sure for some reason that the LSV was universal so I end up killing the fuse one minute after its arrival and then another 1 month turnaround until I got a proper machine...
Power brick FTW