-The 2nd unit's joint is slightly different internally than my 1st unit. ELB's that fit easily into my 1st are difficult to get into the 2nd unit. I really need to "twist and turn" to get them into the new unit. Also when I insert them they naturally want to go in on an angle and don't sit flush at the top the joint when fully inserted.
-Already been mentioned no ticking and the 2nd unit runs cooler than my 1st.
Does anyone ever get "greened out" (sick from too much THC taken into the body too fast) from using the VXL? With it being such an efficient device I was curious if it has happened to one of you.
No joke... someone got high enough that they went running away from the building... yea The Cloud gets you so high you go running from it! They totally flipped out.
I liquidated all of my vaporizers shortly after getting my cloud in favour of getting another cloud! Now have 2 clouds, my solo, and pax.First Cloud weekend. Looking at my other vaporizers wistfully. Arizer almost hold the candle. Pax can be taken on the go. Rest in trouble.
Please share the info you were mentioning about the eds stem you have, so we can share info and see how to improve the desire to use, without harming our unitsFirst Cloud weekend. Looking at my other vaporizers wistfully. Arizer almost hold the candle. Pax can be taken on the go. Rest in trouble.
When you have time of coarsePlease share the info you were mentioning about the eds stem you have, so we can share info and see how to improve the desire to use, without harming our units
Hey guys! I just got home from work to find my Cloud waiting for me =)
I absolutely cant wait to use it! It's smaller than what I thought it would be too!
In case anyone was wondering, I got a unit that looks very similar to StonedMMA's new unit above.
I'm sorta new to glass so I don't know what kind of flaws to look for in my piece.
Everything in my Swagger ShowerCap appears to be centered and everything.
I did notice a slight blemish. I don't think it affects the usability or anything like that. Hell it may even be perfectly normal! Like I said I'm new so I was hoping someone could help me out!
(Notice it's not perfectly level near the joint)
I'm thinking this is a trick question.so my friend just broke my HT >.< I'm getting 225$ from him, am I going with a new swagger circ, or a showercap?
It depends on the level of diffusion you desire. The ShowerCap uses a very short fill, approx 5 ml, so it has the least diffusion, and the most flavor, of any of the HTs. I like mine for sampling flavors on new strains or just for an intense first hit . . .i havent been on this thread for a while, is the showercap THAT much better??