Alright, I am ready to review MY cloud.
First of all, I have been vaping exclusively for 2 years. My main machine is the EQ, but I have used a Hotbox, PD, HA, and MFLB. I always vape through glass. I am a firm believer that no vaporizer is perfect, and all do things differently.
That said, I received my Cloud yesterday after waiting since 11/10. I guess I ordered the SG tube but got the in-house tube instead since there are no more of what I ordered.
So, I got home from work and my son had already peaked inside the box. My first impression was the unit was well built and heavier than I expected. It has a nice feel in your hand. As I was inspecting it, I noticed that some of the finish was rubbed off on the back. Here is photo:
Yea, so I guess it's not big deal, but it kind of bothers me, to be honest.
OK, on to the glass. Now I LOVE nice glass. I love scientific glass with no label, or discreet label (for example- I hate Vertigo or Roor labels, but Mobius is OK). So, I as I said I ended up with the house tube, wich was fine since I didn't want the Vertigo. It's very heavy glass and quailty. Quality glass, that is - not quality workmanship. The perk is way leaning to one side. I mean really leaning. You might be able to see it from this photo:
See how it is leaning to the left? If I had bought this from ALT I would send it back. If I saw this at my LHS, I would not buy it. It DOES work great, though- more on that later.
So, right away, there are 2 things bugging me about this unit. Next I loaded the bowl with some OG18 and let the unit warm up for about 10 minutes. I did smell something as it was heating up, but it wasn't bad, and I didn't care. I dropped the bowl in and put the tube on top.
That first hit was SOO tasty. It was not a huge cloud by any means, but tasted amazing. As I took more hits, and the unit got hotter, the clouds were denser and thick. Really nice. I will say that the Cloud does get pretty hot after a while. The screws get hot as well as the top. Not a big deal though, by any means. I left it on so I could try ti again, but I was so medicated that I didn't get around to using it until it had shut itself off. Nice feature.
So all evening I tried it out with different strains such a Super Lemon, and Pineapple. Loved every hit and just so tasty I was floored. This morning I got up and loaded it with my morning medicine - White Widow. I played around with how much I loaded into the bowl, and the Cloud performed great with any amount. I have the bowl 1/2 full and have been hitting it the whole time I write this. Really, really nice.
So, in conclusion:
This is by far the best vaporizer ever. I was wondering how well it would stack up against the EQ, and it kills it. It doesn't kill it so much that I am retiring the Q, but it does kill it. I use the Q downstairs in my lab, and the Cloud is my bedroom vape. I had been looking for something for the bedroom that vaped well enough for great sleep medicating. I found it.
The scratch on the back does not bother me, in fact I will probably hit it with a sharpie or some black paint. The hydracirc really does bother me. I mean, it works great and I am glad mine doesn't leak, but come on! It also seems to already be getting some crud at the top of the circ. I don't know if it's because of the design, or maybe due to the awesomeness of the Cloud. Anyway, will need to be cleaned a LOT!

BTW, none of my 18mm glass works well due to the joint being to close that Cloud doesn't really fit right. I am going to have to pick up an elbow from ALT.
It extracts really well. I had the dial slightly past 12:00. The ABV is dark brown, and as I said- it grunges up the tube really fast. I am going to go out and get some 91%.
So - SM, Troi, and all... great job. This thing rocks. I would concentrate more on QC, however. I know some people would not accept the leaning tower hydrocirc, and others would not even notice. I fall somewhere in the middle. All in all, great product and if it holds up, it will be money well spent. I can't wait for more glass tubes for this baby!!