I would say mine runs slightly cooler at 12, After 4 deep rips it comes out a light tan. Everyone who has seen it is highly impressed
My first impressions of the cloud are very impressive. The noise is minimal and I would compare it to the ticking of a clock. The only thing I have noticed is that my unit seems to combust the herb on higher settings, and even 12 is much too high.
Mine did the same or worse. Using temp setting of 9 and 3/4 of ELB packed, after 3-4 rips, abv would have black/very dark pieces throughout. Tried using at 12, and near combustion. I sent mine in for replacement and USPS shows it as being returned yesterday morning. Hopefully I'll get a new Cloud sent out soon.
the vxc team should market it as a speciality hydracirc : "leaning tower" edition.My hydrocirc leans to one side too. But I don't mind it.
Often new cloud owners report such visual hallucinations Tdub! So no worries there. Better just send me a sample of your stash so I can confirm there aren't any other chems in your herbIt could be the Pisa Perc!In fact, that pic is kind of perk inspiring if you look at it. Its kind of like a Stereo Matrix on steroids . . lol if I look at it long enough I can "see" the bubbles comming out of it
It's too bad to hear of the quality control issues with the in-house glass
I've owned:
In regards to that last video, mine does not make such thick smoke at 12, they with out a doubt are slightly different, not necessarily a bad thing.
Has anyone tried a cloud with a hops jagitoby chance? Curious if it has enough clearance. TIA
I can tell you right now other than some slits being cut to deep the hydra circ made by the in house blower are grade A Blue ribbon work.