Very interesting, just another reason why these guys are the scum of the industry. In this case, it is actually Grenco, the G-Pen folks doing this, not Atmos. Let's just say, we've spent more on legal fees dealing with these guys and it just sucks that there are so many leaches in this industry. I take it as a compliment that none of these guys feel confident enough in their product that they will do things on the up and up and straight and narrow. They should ALL be quivering when we bring out our portable, that's the biggest F U I think we can give to them.
JoeKickass - hard to answer any of these questions as we don't have samples ourselves. All the dimensions will be similar, either you want straight neck or bent neck. We're not making anything drastically different between the tubes so don't put too much thought into it. As for the color, its either black or white. We don't know if it will be cream, ivory, pearl or white until we have the new sample but by that time, there won't be enough time to change preference and still get everything in time.