Time for Cloud talk.
In spite of the fact that I do not like water I love using the Cloud.
I have found a medium through which Vaporization does not trouble me.
I credit
t-dub's Rez Block fanaticism, and comments about cranberry with permitting my flexibility on this.
I am using
CRANBERRY JUICE in my Hydratube~
The Hydra Tube does not show globs of residue like water does, and after.... when I dump it, it's odor does not repulse me!
This of course raises question as to whether the cranberry juice is allowing even further resins to dive in and make self at home on their way to Vito's lungs.....
that is another issue... My point is I successfully used liquid filtration without gagging when smelling the remains.
The real Cloud talk begins.
The one I came here for.
Stonemonkey sent me an email, asking if the Cloud was my "Daily Driver" yet.
We had a phone conference, and I expressed, that it certainly had it's place, but
due to my disability, and to the timing of my needs, it was not a Daily Driver.
Yesterday I had a revalation.
It was Sunday... and Patty was gone to her assignment at the Humane Society
I had nobody to see... and no place to go.
Cannabutter Oatmeal had me in no great hurry to medicate, and I had my time..
I lovingly moved my favorite small antique table to the center of the Vape Room
I Used the Cloud, as my personal centerpiece to arrange my afternoon around.
stonemonkey55,my good friend... today on Monday, I will say... that
while the Cloud was not my daily driver.....
It was much more special..
It is now my "
Sunday Driver"