Well-Known Member
Isn't that dangerous? Alcohol and heat?
Took one elb out of a bowl of iso and salt 6 hours later, and much cleaner but still quite a bit of stuff on it. And left the other one in overnight, will look in on it, but last I looked, along with the elb I took out, seemed like they were not really getting cleaned past a certain point. Thought it would be much faster.
I put enough iso to cover the elbs, do I need to put far more? Is this why it is not cleaning that well? How long until it is like new?
I soak them for a few hours once in ISO, clean out the remaining dissolved gunk with some of these brushes
and after I have most of the gunk out, I soak them again in another batch of ISO to do a secondary cleaning, and then I brush off the rest off. I have found this helps them look almost new again.