Wow, thank you for reminding me that I want some ELBs!
I was so excited to purchase the vxn I didn't even consider taking advantage of the lump shipping price.
Order cancelled !
@SD_haze you crack me up! I just hope they're not sold out in the time it takes you to re-order...
I've also got 2 vxnails on the way, courtesy of the 4/20 sale, and I CAN'T WAIT! It's been absolute torture since my beta vxnail broke. I really came to love that thing (not to mention my concentrates)!
But I've also had a nice surprise because, in the meantime, my backup EVO & Showercap HT from the 4/20 sale arrived. And I'll be damned if that Showercap HT doesn't get me significantly more medicated

than my Hydraline or Fanatic HTs. It uses so little water, the flavor is immense

. I never bought the 'THC gets lost in the water' bit before, but now I'm thinking there's science behind it. I'm amazed.
Just about the perfect hydratube...except it's a real bitch to clean. That's obvious from the first time I filled 'er up. Gotta use a Shop-Vac to get all the water out (h/t
@Vitolo ). No way around it that I can see. (Someone please inform me differently if I'm wrong!) This means I REALLY don't want serious build-up taking place in this HT, and THAT means daily GO/ISO rinses. So,

dammit! But it's all worth it to have a quality bent-neck HT in my rotation. (Buy a bent-neck to prevent a bent-neck, that's what I say!)